Jason and Nikki
The camp, called camp pine crest which reminded jason of the name of a budget toothpaste, was in an idyllic setting.
Pads over Slickrock
The camp site was still fairly empty except one or two that came back before heading out again.
Dipping into
A moment passed before he spotted his bright red truck and his camp. he realized how far he wandered from shore. his tuck looked like a miniature toy car in the distance. he dived back down under the water and swam towards his camp.
my reality story part 2
They set up camp in a clearing and saw a strange small mouse that was trying to take a piece of fruit from their bags.
Fleeting Feeling in the Forest
Danny set his camping supplies on the ground and sam watched through the cabin window.
The Cat Gijinka and a Werehuman
Emeraldia the Cat in Gijinka Form walks out of a House she goes hiking at night until then she finds out... "A WEREHUMAN!!!!!" Emeraldia the Cat in gijinka form goes back Home and her 6 Gijinkas" All of our 7 Characters She Played Pokémon Shield...
Clarity of Purpose (Welded Sunset)
~ well above the discrete happenings of the base camp below, the broad winged eagle mech carefully balanced atop a fresh thermal updraft while waiting for the final phase of calibrations to conclude.
Saddle's Watch (Welded Sunset)
#229 of short stories a lynx sets up camp with a trusted pangolin mech. ~ the lynx gazed into the campfire, and the pair of pots settled in atop the rack over it.
The gay one )ch2 FIXED
We have been talking on the phone for a week now and our parents let us go camping till tomorrow in the woods. we were very careful when we planned this, though it seems we will be late. i sighed and shut off my bike,shifting from side to side.
Going Camping
He wasn't sure where it would lead, but he knew that he could always turn back and head back to camp.
A Camping Trip
They continue to walk and talk with each other until they come to the camp site. once at the camp site they took off there backpacks and set them down.
Camping Adventure
Let's go camping! so we gathered our stuff together, headed out, and only then realized that we need a place to go.