Bart Simpson Meets Kaa

(This story will get quite sexual so you have been warned) The Simpson Family decided they wanted to go back to India where Homer was manager of the nuclear power plant. So they all saved up really hard and few weeks later they had enough money to go...

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The Family He Never Had Part 7

It was already morning in the jungle as the sun was still high in the sky. Kenji already had five bananas and a few mouthfuls of water from his canteen which he still had water in it as he collected some more water from a waterfall. Kenji was seeing...

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What is The Lustful Melt Gag?

The next time it was used and mostly used the most was in the popeye cartoons, like i was saying the popeye shorts mostly the late 40s to mid-50s would use his gag not once but twice and the character that did the kustful melt gag in the most shorts was olive

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The Human Species Ch. ?? - Copyrighted Trademark Lucario

For the first time he was happy to see that he was in fact a lucario, which while not all too pleasing of a concept was at the very least a step up from being a sloppily drawn cartoon version of one.

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Chapter I

Truce sat in the back of the hall enjoying a lecture by his most favorite professor, Randall J. Raccoon. This portly raccoon could explain literary plots and metaphors with such gusto, the original authors may prefer his telling. Such a notion was not...

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change of heart

once at the office and got word that Black Quill was in court for a girl being blamed for killing her boyfriend. i watched from the monitor as the young was telling her testimony it was hard to tell if she was losing or whatever but from what Black...

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The Day I, Charles "Chuckles" Taylor, Blew Up.

Not only that, but because of my outburst, my black and white cartoon eyes exploded out my green fake ones, meaning i now looked double the unusual as i had before.

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Love At First Sight (Repost by Wyldfire)

My favorite and most erotic dragon story. I didn't do this one but passing along some recognition for its writer, Wyldfire. If you know him/her, give the deserved recognition for this one...Love At First Site. Follow the link below... (I forgot to...

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The Family He Never Had Part 14

It was morning and the sun was already at it's highest in the sky. Kenji was with Tantor and Terk as they were exploring the jungle, they were near a part of the river where they could see the waterfall at a closer distance. "I think Kenji's feeling...

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The Family He Never Had Part 5

The day was almost over as the sun was slowly setting but the sun was still up in the sky. Terk and Kenji were leaning on a big tree after they had fun for the day with the others. Terk placed an arm around Kenji as if to give him a one armed hug...

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Half-Toon pt.2

"you know, like those old school cartoon characters like the looney toons and stuff. and actually my dad is a toon, my mom is half-toon." he explained "so wait, your telling me that your mom and dad are cartoon characters?"

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The Family He Never Had Part 8

Tarzan, Terk, Flynt, Mungo and Kenji were walking around the jungle as they found what looked like a big rock that was flat on the top, making it like a table from the looks of it. "We could use that over there for the arm wrestling." said Terk...

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