Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Mossdeep City and Shoal Cave
crawdaunt however, could battle on land and in the water and much like sharpedo he could defeat rock and psychic types relatively easy. however, he had the advantage of battling on land.
Vigoroth's Rage
crawdaunt ain't got nothing on you, vigoroth!" juliet expressed her joy to her vigoroth, who just replied "vigor...roth." coolly nodding with a slight smile on his face, happy at the time he spent with his trainer.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 120
crawdaunt was pretty much the opposite of whiscash, he was battle hungry whenever he came out of the pokeball.
Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 3
Their reputation of defeating pirates like black claw lester the crawdaunt only added to their reputation as those who shouldn't be trifled with.
Chapter 1 - An Ancient War
My head felt like it was being split open by a crawdaunt... slowly my vision returned, the blur clearing as i managed to sit up and blink my eyes. wherever i was, it was dark, almost black except for a few rays of sun seeping in here and there.