Daddy's Little Dropout: Chapter 4

everett shifted backwards from the opening. "but not yet. you have chores to finish." "chores?" everett hastily blurted, earning himself a swipe at his ear.

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Reveal the Dragon's solo out in nature...

Despite his inexperience, everett had read plenty, and he knew what was happening.

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Daddy's Little Dropout: Chapter 7

With that thought, he closed the distance to give another kiss to everett's cheek. before everett could reciprocate the motion, the older maned wolf came back from collecting things about the room.

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Daddy's Little Dropout: Chapter 6

everett panicked, pulling several times to get the engine running again and by the time carl was right at the edge of the deck, it caught and everett got back to work.

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Eat a Dick

everett swaggered over to the lapine and whispered in his ear. the rabbit blushed and nodded. with a smug look on his face everett nodded at the tiger to follow as he led the rabbit outside.

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Movie Nights

Why everett? why me? * * * i think i was glad when school finally started back up for everett again.

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Collared - Chapter 14 - Daydream

everett tried to console him, but rufus barely let everett finish talking before he vaulted over the railing, down the center of the stairwell. the way everett was talking now, he was likely to try and send rufus back to the registry.

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Kane gasps when everett returns his gaze to him, his eyes filled with a predatory dominance. he takes a step back when everett starts his advance.

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The Perfect Match

Don't give me a thumb, everett. don't you dare try to start me off with fingers, or your tongue. fuck me. fuck me now, 'rett." theresa was everett's perfect match in so many ways, just as he was hers.

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Simon Says

everett was a nice enough guy. he hadn't been rougher than agreed upon, he had stayed in his role, and he had paid without hitch or haggle. and he had even got a lunch out of it. simon wished more of his clients were like everett.

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Daddy's Little Dropout: Chapter 3

No one, not even everett (especially everett) was allowed in his room. thankfully, no one had thought to touch his laptop on his desk.

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