Transformation Roulette
There was last, but not least, frysco the gryphon.
Change the Station
frysco growled, fur and feathers all fluffed up.
Terms of Service - Chapter 4
The roar of some creature bellowing in distress startled frysco out of the strange lassitude being caused by that gaze! tearing his eyes away from the snake's frysco clamped his eyes shut and resumed his desperate attempts to escape.
Terms of Service - Chapter 3
Laughing stardust relaxed, "what the hell are you wearing frysco?"
Two Sides of the Same Coin
frysco replied as he suddenly realized that the strange dragon wanted an introduction. "my name is, uh, my name is frysco." "a pleasure to meet you, frysco," the draconic creature replied.
Deals with a Demon
As it emerged, frysco could smell the demon's arousal as well.
Tournament of Transformation – Round 3, Part 2
All five of them nodded, frysco gulping slightly. "and... let's dance!" as soon as the music started frysco's mind swam with images, the dance being laid out before him as he moved with the beat.
Weekend Of Fun
frysco, nikoli, and telsa are (c) to frysco (over on fa) telsa and the story are (c) to me, :zylenandelicon: **weekend of fun** **written by: zylen andel** **commissioned by: frysco** "i'm just visiting my parents over the weekend
Call a Physician When...
"it's just after hours, and feel free to call me frysco. we aren't open to the public but we still have a full night staff in order to tend to cases like yours." frysco explained.
Hot & Hungry
frysco, nikoli, and mack are (c) to frysco (over on fa) the story is (c) to me, **hot & hungry** ** ** **written by: zylen andel** **commissioned by: frysco** the weekend had certainly been one of fun and merriment with some of the
Garage Visit
Garage visit by: theo winters written for frysco frysco blinked a bit as he started to wake up, his body aching and his chest and arms hurting. closing his eyes he tried to remember what had happened to him.
Dare Day
frysco looked over at brandon, and then at myu. "i guess it's my turn then huh?" he let out a sigh and drew a card. "what the hell?" "what does it say?" jeremy shifted his body to try to look at frysco's card.