Caught in the act 2

It was gamora and she sounded urgent. "starlord! are you in there? you need to come quick. rocket and drax are fighting." peter followed gamora down to the training area. rocket was snarling and pointing a gun at drax.


Rocket Raccoon Comforted

New rocket found himself leaning against peter or drax and they happened to touch or pet his head and ears - or if he happened to lay on a couch in such a way that his head coincidentally rested on mantis' or gamora's

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Flesh and fur

gamora did not think so highly of him either. he felt like the odd one out most of the time. his only real friend there and the only one that understood him was groot but he was gone now.

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Guardians of the Galaxy: Rocket's Reunion

"hehehe", gamora snickered. "ya know, i think nikki might be onto something. maybe you are just afraid." rocket was annoyed; he was growling. and just as he was about to shout out at gamora, adam decided to get his own words in.

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Rocket Raccon: A Doctorate For Life

Shouted gamora hatefully, she did not like clothed men. "i was defeated by the hateful duck called howard, but that matters not! rocket, there can only be one doctor in this quadrant, and it isn't you!"

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Cruel and unusual punishment

Peter, drax, groot and gamora had been locked up but rocket had not taken kindly to being captured and made his displeasure known to the guards in his own special way.

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The New Kiln 2.0

He had gotten into the control unit with the help of quill, gamora, drax, and his trusty friend. they had broken through the roof after turning off the gravity in the main control block and piloted the drones to give them a little boost.

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Eternal Twilight - Chapter 1

._ _ also, su'iz is gamora, in case no one caught that dynamic forming.]_

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More Than a Dance

From gamora there came curiosity, humour, and a little frustration directed not at rocket but more at herself for yet another feeling that boiled up whenever she saw the creature dancing as he did.

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Like No Other in The Galaxy

Quill had gamora, drax had... well who cared about drax (fighting and killing were probably the equivalent of sex to him), and.. everyone else, well, they all have someone their own species. "flark me..." he said with a heavy sigh.

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