Why We Care
We care because they're worth it. We care because we see. We care because sometimes they can't, And that's when we need to be There for them in the best of times, There for them in the worst, There for them in the deepest darks, Sometimes...
Home Sweet Farm Chapter 11 "Hero"
Home Sweet Farm Chapter 11 Later that day at around nine twenty two Katie, Jessica, and Sarah all departed to the bank to cash in the check Kevin had so willingly given him. Sarah still blamed Katie for him leaving but she was a little nicer....
The Hype Industries Super Clones Instruction manual
Months of waiting you have finally received your very own hype brand hyper twins super clones set please take time out to read this instruction manual/proof of ownership to get important information on the proper care and purpose for your very own super hero
The Story Of A Hero. 4.
#5 of the story of a hero. here is part 4 on my second day in a row. 37.8c fever, but i gotta finish this :) as always, enjoy. read well because i might misspell something. "its true in this world, those who break rules and regulations are called scum.
Cousin Amber- Introduction
Amber wakes up and stares at the ceiling for a while. Her alarm and the very nature of her work means she won't be allowed too much privacy for much longer. Pretty soon she would have at least one person check up on her to make sure she's up. It's not...
Yelmi Chapter 5 "Death"
Chapter 5 "Death" The dream felt so real to him, what choice would he have to make? He didn't let it get to him as he got up from the bed. As he slipped into some fresh clothes he heard Salena rummaging through the cabinets in the kitchen. As...
The Last Human Part 14
A whole week went on and Raito's days at school turned out to be the funnest time he's had in years, he's made friends at school, tutored kids that were struggling with a class or two, amazed many teachers at how useful he was for assisting the...
Don't believe every legend you hear TLZ
| The night was dark and the Princess heard a creek as her door was opened her father the king stepped in. She sighed to herself knowing what this meant this would be another night owned by her father. As king he had the right to any woman in the...
The dragon and the harpist
**The Dragon and the Harpist** I raised my head to the sound of footsteps. The harp falls silent. " Yes, someone has finally gotten past the witches trap my silent friend. One of us will be free." A few harmonious notes were played. " And I would say...
Mavs Iditarod...pt 2, intermission
I chase after the sound of the female in distress, panting lightly, shirt off and running at my fastest pace. Finally, i come to an outcrop, and creep up behind a large rock, peering over it to spy down on the source of the distress call. Peering...
Chapter 1: Pentagram
Chapter 1 Pantagram Winds... the winds were my only companion, weaving over my fur like empty fingers closing around me in a hug, yet reminding me of the painful loneliness of my existence. The sound of waves crashing against the cliffs was...
The Deliverer (segment)
Jeremy Kohl's life in Little Bethel was completely ordinary. It's a shame that he liked it that way, especially for Natty Harris, but it didn't matter on Monday. That was garbage day. "Tomorrow's the big day, huh," Mr. Teeter waved and shouted, his...