Blare & Dracon: the Hotsprings

Dracon reached the hotsprings in no less than five minutes.

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Pilot Crisis

So," i leaned back in the hotspring and closed my eyes. "let's enjoy the rest of our day. \*\*\* three hours later \*\*\* (lacyus) "i thought you said your arm would heal quickly." mira slugged me playfully in the left arm.

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Fire From the Darkness Chapter 8

They splashed around in the soothing waters of the hotspring for twenty minutes before finally coming together in the center of the pool, panting from the exertion and laughing so hard.

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Chapter 2: Confused Feelings.

He left the porch and started to walk back to the hotsprings, for the first time in a long time intent on making an apology to someone. getting closer to the springs he slowed down.

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Dragons and Hot Springs

It wasn't unpleasant, just unexpected when compared to the cool cave air just above the hotspring pool. while his relaxed zen wasn't ruined, it was mildly disturbed. he'd let the wolf have his fun though.

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Club Field Trip

They feel so warm, even in the hotsprings!" she told melody, who was looking on with a mixture of concern and envy as cindy added more weight.

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A Helping Paw, part 3

Kirara shook her head, not quite sure ether but she had an idea. she growled for him to get onto her back, he did so and they flew away a short distance. they soon arrive at a hotspring that the group had pasted by earlier.

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The Beauty in the Spring

So we get in my pickup, and she's pointing out the way to god knows-where... some place up in the hills where there's a hotspring or something, and no one goes there because of who-the-hell-knows, lord jeezus knows there ain't enough places to get a look at

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A Helping Paw, part 2

Kirara growled to him to remove his clothes, he paused for a moment then nodded and stripped off his vestments as if he was in a hurry to jump into a hotspring. now he was sitting on her chest, her fur rubbing against him only aroused him further.

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"if tea and a nuzzle is all we wanted, love, we wouldn't have a nice hotspring all to ourselves, now would we?" he replied in a deeper and more desiring tone.

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A fight for freedom - chapter 2

"i'm going to take a bath in the hotsprings." lin said before running off. mick went to follow her but mat's hand stopped him. mick looked over his shoulder questioningly. "we have to see mother and father first."

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A fight for freedom - chapter 2

"well i feel dirty i'm gonna go to the hotsprings." lin declaired before runnning off into the village. mick started to follow her but stoped as he felt something on his shoulder. "we have to see mother and father first mick."

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