The Lead Crown: Ch 5a, What's In a Name? (Pt 4)

The party returns to the university and seeks help in uncovering who took kesst. d) the party looks to sanmer and his underworld contacts to seek out who took kesst. e) the party stays at the inn room and attempts to discover anything they can about the dragon's

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The Lead Crown: Ch 7a, Un-Escaping (Pt 4)

Thanking his good fortune, kesst began the next step to his wandering.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 8.1b, A Dozen 'Tails' Told

kesst's response was hesitant. "...i think so." the techlar felt his body breathe a sigh of relief. "i am glad for it, kesst. the princess is a good woman... i know you will keep one another safe."

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The Lead Crown: Ch 9.1a, Accountability

She seemed to have a lot of faith in kesst's creator and that gave him hope. if she truly felt that he'd help her then kesst knew that by her side would be the best place for him.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 3a, "By the Spirits" (Pt 3)

kesst's reply was direct, "what do you want with me?"

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The Lead Crown: Ch 9.4a, Accountability

The jeweler bear smiled in return, reaching out to rest a large paw on kesst's shoulder. "oani, kesst hamah.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 6c, Ghosts of the Past (Pt 3)

As kesst's creator, wiesen was his father, and, due to wiesen being gifted with the true breath kesst was the closest thing he would ever have to a son.

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The Lead Crown, Ch 9.6, Noriene

Theo realized kesst had left early but he wasn't sure where the dragon had gone off to. he addressed the issue. "princess... kesst is missing." gift-of-the-earth provided some clarity. "he was tired.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 2a, League of Leaves (Pt 2)

Tranquil waters: the lead crown ch 2-2, league of leaves kesst continued to trudge along at the rear of the party.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 1a, Flintlocked and Loaded (pt 3)

"seems like ya got somethin' a mine there, sailor-boy." the rat pointed a dirty, crooked claw at kesst.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 7a, Un-Escaping (Pt 2)

kesst is going to look for leverage and/or defense. d) kesst really can't find a reason to trust noriene.

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