Break, or How I Became A Superhero
This is my story, conceived and written by myself. Any characters and events that bear a resemblance to any other character or event is entirely coincidental. I ask that you do not use any of them without my permission. So here's my latest drivel. A...
Memories of a black fox.
As always, my story, yaddayadda, coincidental similarities, yaddayadda, please don't steal. I've also uploaded this story onto danath's FurryWords website if ya'll wanna swing by that place and check it out. So here we go. * * * I don't often find...
Tiger Stories And Tiger Songs.
My it's been a long time hasn't it? Nearly two years since the last time I uploaded a story. Most of the time I can only think of character and story ideas but I can never think how to piece them together into a cohesive whole, but tonight the writing...
This is sort of a continuation of My Story. Only not. It's one of those things where shit happens at the same time that other shit happens only you weren't told about it in the other shit and this shit mentions that shit. Does that make sense?...
Red Shadow
Random bit of a thing I was toying around with. It's mostly a one-shot, not meant to be a setup for another story, just a thing to show there's other stuff going on in the world. Maybe I should start some sort of date system. Half my stories are set...
Stop! Thief!
Greetings and welcome to my latest (sorry excuse for a) story. As always, this is my story with my characters and my places. I will ask you not to use them without my permission. Any similarities to existing works or real events are coincidental. And...
In the Presence of a God
Greetings and/or salutations my friend and welcome to another (sorry excuse for a) story by yours truly. Those of you wondering, this is the same Eli as mentioned in My Story(another story written by me, but oddly, not about me :P). This takes place...
My story
This is my story. I wrote it. Any similarities to existing stories, or real events, are entirely coincidental. All characters, organizations and/or social groupings belong to me. Well, except for Romeo and Juliet and their families. Obviously,...
A moment to think.
Well, I decided not to wait and write the second half before putting this out, so here it is. Like I said, it's a very short story, hardly more than a drabble. But that's fine by me, and I hope you'll think so too. ;) Warnin' ya now. As you can see...
School for Heroes - Vuoritorni
After the lecture we were sent back to our new dormitory. I shut myself away in my room to think about what Mister Raposo had said, and try to think of the best way to pass his test. I couldn't really rely on the others. It might have gone against the...
Zodiac Blues - Leo
Cade Wilson, AKA Leo, leader of the Zodiac, stood at the enormous window in his office and stared down at his city, twitching his striped tail nervously. Despite his moniker, Leo was a tiger, not actually a lion. There were no lions. Supposedly there...
High School of Cliches: New Years Nonsense
"for fuck's sake, can you just fucking quit with the onomatopoeia already, narrator?!" fine. writing detailed onomatopoeia for sex scenes is tedious anyway. "thank you! now, where were we? oh yeah, this!"