The Teachings of Squirrel Girl-Self Exploration

Joggers, businessmen on lunch break, families picnicking, it was very peaceful. as she looked around for her clothes she started to wonder. last night she felt better than she had since loosing irene.

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The Ancient Bronie - chapter - awakening to the new world

Anypony else what makes you say that no reason i say a little too quickly pause well any friend of twilights is a friend of mine she says so do you two wana come to the picnic sure we say in unisin great then lets go so we began the treck to the picnick

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Willows not so innocent day at the beach with Amy -explicit-

Willow put on a pout and said "i'm worried this threatening rain will stop us from picnicking by the beach. amy just smiled at her and shrugged her shoulders.

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Requiem in Fragments

For bernard, it was the large front porch that drew him to the place, plus it was nearby some nice wooded areas to go picnicking. i should go picnicking with clyde more often, bernard thought, i've been putting work to much ahead of him.

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Toward the Ball Game

The park surrounding the stadium held many folks engaging in the tradition of grilling and picnicking before the game. with vehicles being quite restricted in most cities this is what took the place of tailgating.

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Picnics and Breeding

Our usual picnicking place." talik smiled. "that's more like it! see? it wasn't that hard to do. usual time?" all talik got in response was another sigh and a delayed "yes..." from him. "awesome! see you there!

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Just One Day - Part Two

picnicking. walking. generally just enjoying the summer for all it was worth. indeed he and fyr had been there for the very same reason.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Goldenrod City and National Park

Moving on i was challenged by a picnicker who sent out a vulpix and i sent out my croconaw having him use water gun defeating vulpix. next up a camper challenged me with a sandshrew and i sent out skiploom having him use bullet seed defeating sandshrew.

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Turning Over A New Leaf! - Chapter 9

Maybe it was picnickers? who cares. "you saw what?" i asked. "all i did was save that guy some dignity." "you humiliated my boyfriend! my precious boyfriend! i have a boyfriend!" "i gathered that. what's your point?"

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In the Very Merry Month of May

Not people jogging, definitely nobody picnicking, and definitely nobody sitting on a bench with a stack of books and a pencil tucked in his ears.

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The Simple Things. Chapter Three.

Of children playing, of families picnicking. it was a work of art. a long red carpet had been rolled out in the middle of the pillars leading to a large desk that took up the whole center of the wall.

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First Hand Experience

Indeed the sound of the gentle breeze, of dogs barking and people picnicking was now absent, and in its place sounds of running water, of splashing, and of voices chatting could be heard.

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