Repaying a Debt Chapter 3

suri seems to be just starting on the back ground. "it's beautiful, is that the wolf who rescued you?" suri jumps a little and looks back at him. "don't do that." "sorry." "yes this is the wolf who'd freed me from that hell."


Dinosaur: The Nesting Grounds (or Stuck Fast)

One morning suri woke aladar with some urgency. 'what's wrong suri?' he asked the little lemur. 'there's been a collapse in the cave, url is trapped!' 'is he okay? have you told eema?'

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Ayame's Chronicles- Training time

"you remember suri from yesterday right? she made it for me. suri's quite the artist ya know!" viximon blinked at the comment. "does this suri like digimon as well? takami looked up and thought, "well she certainly doesn't hate it, probably still do.

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Ayame's Chronicles- Building Bonds

suri was the house to the left, and rua lived parallel to takami across the street. suri could be described as a 5'5'' 15 year old girl. a fair complexion and black hair.

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suri is a troublemaker just like her best friend, kierra and is in love with rodney cooper.

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Ayame's Chronicles- Summer Plans

"i guess i'm not the only one," suri said as she plopped her suitcase down to sit on. "so who do you guys have? i got dorumon." rua leaned on takami's porch, "i got labramon." "ayame's my partner." suri and rua turned to him in confusion.

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Surima; Part one

You have stepped all over three of regulations to which our culture holds so sacred, suri!" suri immediately closed her eye's, wishing silently that all this would just... disappear.

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Kierra vs Bullies

suri said. everyone cheered. now they have a new member of the gang the rest of day, they played at the park.

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Ayame's Chronicles- A Change on the Wind, Part 1

* * * rua, takami and suri along with their digimon arrive in the izuru's office five minutes before they were told to meet, fully clothed and looking like nervous wrecks. "ah, glad to see all of you could make it.

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It Takes Two

_"suri te seresh te a'krai! suri!"_ she took a step towards him, her fingers flexing on the rifle grip. her form towered above his. jack felt himself growing angry, despite his fear. "listen, i don't understand a fucking word you're saying!"

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Chapter 5: A Special Person

**zau pov** "da ra, es fel a suri" there i heard the most beautiful voice i ever heard in my life. "zec vuri escalaf" i am slowly walking towards the origin of the voice, i feel at peace the moment i started to hear that mystical voice.

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Sniper God

"sorry suri got to bring you in orders." crim replied. "damn looks like you got me." "huh?" was all crim could say "yea i give up i know i can't escape somehow i knew you'd be the one to catch me."

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