Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Celebration

tangrowth i had believed would be difficult since he was a grass type and his body was literally covered in vines but still i gave him some pets and he seemed happy enough. i was just disappointed i hadn't given him as much as i would of wanted.

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What They Have

Not visiting tangrowth for a full-body massage; happy ending not included this time, he just wasn't in the mood.

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Commission: Tending Fire

A lump gathered in her throat as her mind began to torture her with a replay of everything that had happened to her in that tangrowth's home and gardens.

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Snouts Belong Together

Asked a bulky looing tangrowth. white polo and his sleeves rolled to accommodate his bartending. he smiles gleefully as if he just won the lottery. i looked at him with a mean look and he winced a bit. "this is arlim.

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I Wanna Be The Best

Her arms started to grow even more streamers that started to lash around all on their own- tangrowth vines. even her vagina grew and changed- pokemon do not produce waste but they do still breed.

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Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 8: Crossing the Swamps

tangrowth, no doubt, given how large their auras are." "hanging their own vines in among those of the willow," zamazenta commented, nodding. "an ingenious hunting tactic... prey wanders in and doesn't realize the danger until it's too late."

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Twenty-Two part two

One of the young trainers had him covered though as he pulled out a pokeball and released his tangrowth.

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