Journeys of Time 13

Peridot and tenchi smiled, "yes, and nice to see you again, tarja." tarja lifted a hand to tenchi and they fistbumped, but tenchi noticed that something was different with it.

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Royal Science 1

tenchi did not like that sasha had left them both hanging, her hands soon landing on sasha's thighs before sasha felt tenchi penetrating her pussy.

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Bound by Destiny 24

Sasha sidestepped from the next swing that tenchi delivered, her knee quickly hitting tenchi in the solar plexus, making tenchi gasp out in pain before sasha grabbed the back of her head, "pathetic. you have grown dull, tenchi."

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Bound by Destiny 24

Sasha sidestepped from the next swing that tenchi delivered, her knee quickly hitting tenchi in the solar plexus, making tenchi gasp out in pain before sasha grabbed the back of her head, "pathetic. you have grown dull, tenchi."

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Journeys of Time 17

Trying her luck again, tenchi exposed her throat to the big female, but much to tenchi's surprise and to hildegaard's shock, the female spewed out a lavafall over tenchi, completely covering her as the female's scream echoed through the forest, "tenchi, no

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Journeys of Time 8

tenchi looked down at her arm and soon shut her eyes tightly, "arashi, look away." the wyvern growled in confusion before tenchi drew her sword, making the wyvern get a panic attack and jump at tenchi, begging her to not do it.

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Journeys of Time 10

Arashi laid down near tenchi's head, growling in concern for her and felt tenchi petting her head, "i am okay, girl."

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Journeys of Time 18

tenchi couldn't believe her eyes and suddenly janch noticed the difference, "hey tenchi, why is my daughter dressed up like that?"

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