Tales of Sniper Fox - Prologue
Beginning in 2089, the first planets in their solar system were terraformed and colonized, followed a dozen years later by the terraforming and colonization of planets in other systems.
Last Chance - Prologue.
Within months, chance had been terraformed, and probes launched from orbiting ships, viking ii's, had found three more that were either suitable, or near perfect, not requiring any terraforming.
Distant Earth CYOA part 17
They began to move the cargo, picking up the terraforming equipment and moving it to the airlock . a few minutes later the airlock opened and several of their shipmates joined them.
Distant Earth CYOA part 29
"we can't, but we can go one better, we can give the colonies a planet, a fully terraformed planet!" the fox announced and the it hit zack. in all the turmoil he had forgotten about the device.
Care Package
The space opposite the cakebox was crowded with letter and well-wishes from other members of the terraforming crew. even some paw-print art from the outpost's youngest inhabitants.
9 (DSV Nautica)AU-945 Part 2
Classic terraformed planet. his eyes flicked over the lateral power conduit. it was reading a little low. must have been damage. he contacted zhi, only to find him blocking out anyone else.
Distant Earth -CYOA part 1
If the colonists could ever finish fully terraforming their worlds they might escape the taxes of the old small homeworld.
Ioborne: Chapter Two
Europa had been the prime target for a terraforming project within the last three decades. all out war and terrorism over the rightful ownership of europa had put a stop to that.
Past: boomer was born on one of ian murphy's terraforming projects to settlers there. his childhood was one of crafts, woodwork, and music.
Distant Earth CYOA part 22
"well not the exact location, but i've heard rumours about a terraforming project, the elitists are looking to create a ship capable of terraforming entire planets. i thought it was impossible and just conspiracy bullshit."
Last Chance - Pacem
It was a lush, mountainous planet, that had no need to be terraformed, and was especially kind to the crops that were grown there.
Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 3
A dedicated team of engineers picked by rabdul narafte and lead by jeremy phoenix, narafte's protégé set out to work on designing terraforming technology to make any planet we found to be inhabitable by humarans.