Journey to Another world Breakdown Pt2
Upon explaining what an undine is to the new milotic, she enacts the whole persona of an undine and to that donovin believes the trip up mt. cornet is going to be postponed. 4.
Journey to another world pt2 ch74
undine would constantly complain about the weather being to hot for her and how it was effecting the moisture of her scales. i watched as undine would launch water pulse after water pulse at kit.
Journey to another world pt2 ch76
I heard jenavee say, but when i turned to look at her she was pointing at undine who had a look of annoyance when i turned and looked back at her. "go right ahead undine." i said which undine happily smiled.
Journey to another world pt2 ch64
I looked up at undine, down at kit, and then back up at undine again. "what?" i asked undine. "i don't understand pokemon speech. could you tell me what she just said undine."
Journey to another world pt2 ch53
undine turned and looked at me. i reached up and scratched my head. "well..." i said as i shrugged my shoulders. undine turned and faced the two of us fully.
Bound Forever (Tribual) - Ch.1
"it's nice to see your... face again, undine." the ghost started, his paws reaching out to her paw but feeling nothing but sorrow. undine, though, felt her father's touch and smiled. "it's great to see you haven't gone through the over stage yet.
Journey to another world pt2 ch75
The boy said as he pointed at undine, which the buizel looked back over it's shoulder and nodded to the boy. undine turned her own head back to me, only to see me smiling up at her. "that's right undine.
Journey to another world pt3 ch94
We all turned and saw undine slither on up with a bit of and intrigued look on her face. "is that not where you got those poffins and where they have those pokemon contests?" "that's right undine.
Journey to another world pt2 ch86
Pulling out a fresh towel from my pack i held it up to undine. "i need your help undine. i need you to soak this towel in as much mucus as possible." undine's eyes went wide as i held up the towel to her.
Journey to another world pt2 ch66
undine said in a superior tone, as if she deserved some special treatment for doing said task. i simply laughed and looked up at the girls. "i get it undine.
Journey to another world pt3 ch97
"i've finished today's scheduled routine with undine and now i think we should work on our own for the contest."
Journey to another world pt2 ch88
So that leaves both samantha and undine.' i pulled off my two choices and threw them out to battle. "come on out sam and undine. it's time for a battle."