Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 6. (The class needs a Hero!)

, who were carrying yamato on their shoulders.

Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 12 (Death or Alive?)

Next he moved up his blade and rammed it into yamato´s chest. luckily, the human missed yamato´s heart but the damage had been done. yamato screamed out all of his pain while the human began to laugh triumphal. natascha on the other hand was in tears.

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Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 5. (Everything becomes right that has to be right)

yamato then walked up some steps to the 4 th floor and there he knocked on a door with the sign „private room of doctor victor nash„. „come in." a voice said from the inside and yamato moved in.

Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 14 (Let´s get the party started)

yamato said once it all became clear to him. „they want to yes.

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Digimon - New Generation - Kapitel IV Das Dorf der Koromon

, rief yamato und lief zu ihm hin. der bumerang war indes zu seinem besitzer zurückgekehrt. „es geht schon, yamato! bring die anderen weg von hier!", rief gabumon yamato zu. „nein! ich will mitkämpfen!", protestierte agumon dagegen.

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Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 9 (The Eternal Order)

Who wants to give his voice to yamato? " every one moved up his paw. „then it´s settled! what do you need to make all things done yamato? " „just the same things as last time, sir. " „how do i knew that? hehe....

Takeru and Patamon's Awkward First Time

yamato was left speechless. he eventually began to stammer out an answer. "w-what? no! i mean..." yamato began, but takeru cut him off. "patamon told me." takeru stated. yamato gave a sigh.

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Special Christmas Edition

\*sigh\* yamato : i will be giving the introduction about us to recall back the reader memory \*smile\* yamato : first of all, i'm yamato shibatara!

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Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 13 (Finally Peace)

Yes. " the faces of natascha and yamato became pale white after that answer and merlin began to lough until suddenly natascha and yamato began to act like they were in pain. „seems like that it´s getting time. " merlin said.

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Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 10 (A Question of Honor)

It was yamato´s complete class except of the 4 in front of the castle of course.

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Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 16 (The Call of Nature)

Better tell me if they are both healthy. " yamato said while he came back to sins.

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Digimon - New Generation - Kapitel III Die DigiWelt

Vor ihm stand yamato. ans seiner seite war... gabumon! „hi, marc! schön, dass ich dich auch endlich finde!", sagte yamato. er lächelte. „yamato... wie kommst du hierher?", fragte marc.

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