Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 10: Ascendance
I am zacian, royal knight to the kingdom of calygrad... but you shall have the honour of knowing my_ true _name!'
Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 6: Setting Out
So long as we do not dawdle for too long," zacian remarked. "we should be on our way as soon as we are ready." "we will be," luke assured zacian with a nod.
Stranger Danger
Trainee looked as ditto fully entered zacian's body. "we wipe their memories clean," he watches as a wall plate moves and people entered the cage of zacian. she was lying unconscious from exhaustion and shock.
Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 3: Research (Pt 2)
zacian added. "the people of calygrad hold a festival every year to celebrate and to pay their gratitude to his highness for blessing them with his gift." minato cast a glance at zacian for a moment. "...sounds like you admire him for it." he remarked.
November Patreon Sketches
His roommate ensured that his dear zacian stayed prim and proper for performances and battles, but as for _this_ side of her...
Mysteries of the East Chapter 4: Research (Pt 3)
zacian exclaimed, "why did you not mention that detail before??" " never asked," minato calmly answered. "we shouldn't have had to! that one detail changes everything about fighting calhoun!" zacian countered. "take it easy!"
Brief History of Galar
One of the most common theories is that the first ones found and destroyed objects known as barrier crystals (theorized to be left there by zacian and zamazenta to prevent an another darkest day from occurring after the ancients sealed away the eternal one
Kinktober 2023 Story Sketches 21-25
Still his mouth fell further open just as the zacian's did.
Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 14: Final Stand Pt 2
The creatures were hardy things, taking blow after blow from luke, zacian and even zamazenta - their bodies seemed impervious to physical harm.
Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 13: Final Stand Part 1
zacian and cobalion stood on either side of the king, each as stunned as himself and the soldiers behind him. "what... in lunala's name is that?" zacian asked, too stunned to even move, even letting her sword fall to the ground with her mouth agape.
The Battle for Azure Part 4: Clash
zacian added, as shocked as her brother.
Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 5: Uncovered
Minato asked, arching an eyebrow at the sword wolf. "...are you sure you're the same zacian that we first met?" "well, it is as you said... perhaps i can be taught after all," she replied. minato found himself smirking back at zacian. "i guess so..."