No one is home anymore

I stared out the window, not paying attention to any of the familiar scenery that passed us. Five years since I left and I had thought I would be happy when I can back. Excited to see all my old friends and favorite places. But all I felt was numb. ...

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Fallen (poem)

I am a fallen angel My tears are so long dry My wings are burnt with fire Forever I shan't fly. I cannot stand up straight In broken glass I kneel The burden of my life So hopeless makes me feel. Abysmal is my fate There is no...

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Alone Among The Monsters

Alone Among The Monsters By Mantrid Brizon (08/20/2020) Alone I sit in this dank pit, But it wasn't always so, Long ago I once belonged, But with age came awareness, And with awareness came neglect, From those whom I never truly...

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My writing group has weekly writing prompts that we can do to improve our skills. This week's being "It's been so long that I've forgotten what it was like." Thanks again to those in the Writing Corner for helping with this story. (Interested in...

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heart of a champion ch1

"Cheaters never win but legends never die," I've been down on my luck since the stock market fell 8 years earlier life's been hard no jobs,people Starving,no money. I thought all hope was lost until I Saw him it was March 1936, I saw him at the track...

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Our Darkness - Chapter One

"i'm depressed currently... life really sucks right now. i'm so glad i have friends to help me through it," i say, my voice rising a little to sound a little grateful. "does one of them happen to be cloven?" he asks. my heart jumps a little.

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Our Darkness - Introduction

He was currently battling depression alone, except for the constant support from his friends. he was glad that he had a few friends to help him out.

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Spoken Word: You Will Never

This is where i rise like a phoenix born from the ashes of self-doubt, and depression. i no longer feel a need to fight for you, yet rather i feel a need to fight against you. you'll probably never see this or if you do you'll probably never care.

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Just Living: Panic 1

An entire day of nothing but panic, inaction, and depression. a swirl of shadow brought frey shivering as he realized he was alone in an ocean of stark nothingness.

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Breaking Through

And on this day, she 'gan to move. And on this day, earth trembled. For on this day, both earth and sky, And stars, themselves, remembered. For music spoke, And music sang, And music doth remembered, That secret song, That secret heart, That...

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The depression, the anxiety, it all fades away temporarily. all i ever feel anymore is pain, i see everyone around me happy, i envy there joy. i can't remember a time i haven't relied on the pain to help me, the sting i feel from it.

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My Hellfire

"it's when depression starts being spelled with a capital d and people start telling you which meds you should be taking. "just because it's a state of mind doesn't mean it's easy to escape, or forget.

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