Live your dreams

Have i just woken up from a bad trip? or did i fall asleep again? "chris, you are finally back." my body gets squeezed from everywhere. "drake... what... did you put me... on drugs?" "chris, i'd never do such shit to you.

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The Lycanthrope Tails. Chapter Four.

He just muttered figuring he was the one having the bad trip here. he knew from experience how fucked up it could be. "i'm right here, i'm not going anywhere. you won't be alone..."

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bad trip..?" "yes.. not the best, at least they all made it.." a small gasp and we look at some of the followers watching us.. i nod to them. "yes.. i am a twink, fig, call me what you will.


Junk for Joy

So what if one of the brats died or had a bad trip. they were kids, neglected, forgotten, and there were always more. you'd think some furs would want to keep their legs shut after they lost a few of the little fuck midgets.

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Destiny for Two Pt 5

I didn't want her to have a bad trip on my account, and it gave me more time to meditate alone. 'what is wrong with my body, why can i do these things, and why does it change my appearance when it happens.' i thought to myself.

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Keeps Secrets

"wow, ghosts, magic castle, tests, impossible task, did i drop acid and this is all a bad trip, or are we stuck in a twisted fairytale?" jake said, obviously trying to make a joke. "very funny jake, but this is very serious.

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Get Funky

"when is this bad trip gonna end?" al is annoyed. "all right, i'm not disturbing gary and zelda for this. come on, owen, let's take these guys down ourselves."

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I Caught God Ch3: In Which I Am Tripping Balls

"you had one hell of a bad trip, dude." zero says from behind me. "i don't know what you were seeing, little dude, but just watching you freak out was painful man. so i punched you in the back of the head and put you out of your misery."

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"from what he said, it looked like oliver had a couple tabs of acid, and was having a bad trip." "ah, that's not good." "yeah." the cheetah nodded. "so you tried to fight me off a little, but i eventually managed to drag you back here.

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What Does It Take for a Wish to Come True?

Lone accounts that, if considered in isolation, would be easily dismissed as pranks, bad trips, or conspiracy theories.

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Worlds Apart Part 6

The whole thing seemed to ben like a bad trip, only he wasn't on anything at the moment.

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As the Campfire Fades

"well i'm glad you didn't get swept away, that would have made for a bad trip," she half-chuckled out, nosing over his ear. "next time just go in the woods, alright?"

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