[Chapter 4] One For The History Books

This is something i have never seen or heard of before, and more than likely, modern medical science has not either. you have my word she will be in the best care possible.

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Chapter XII

Even with modern medical science they couldn't competing erase such grievous wounds. they would forever mark him, a testament to his dance with death. he finished conforming the metal and looked up to spot the two women. "hi!"

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Busty Bull

He was well-versed in the annals of medical science, and understood the anatomy of most species better than they themselves did.

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King and Creed - Part 1 'First Cut'

Some were disqualified on account of their professions, usually those related to medical science or industrial work. other, wealthier families were offered the choice of buying their way out of conscription.

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Year Of The Rabbit

They managed to, with their advanced knowledge and techniques, they managed to provide cures to various obscure diseases at first, but then, within a few years, they made their first major breakthrough in medical science - they cured the common cold.

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finding where i belong

"just a few minors in mathematics and a little in medical science and technology" the wolf, rune, looks at me and a smile starts to form. "well how about you come work here for us. our last medic just walked out the door so we're in need of one.

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Custodian history lesson.

The first thing they did was to use their new medical science to bio-mechanically revive the emperor after he was killed, that staging a theatrical revival that was broadcast across the entire empire.


Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 10

The emperor himself knew, of course; but a little thing like medical science hadn't stopped him from trying. the act of love making-or heir-making, as it were-had climbed to the top of the emperor's to-do list.

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Tales from Anthracite City 14: The Mountain Men Cometh

As much as she was loathed to admit it, her forces would have been completely eradicated a long time ago were it not for the aliens and their borderline heretical knowledge of medical science.

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Omega and Amora

"your medical science is not advanced enough to deal with this! but i can take them out... probably.... it's your best chance as even though in my world we have the technology to remove them, your strictly not allowed there!" omega said.

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He knew that the accident that had violated his father's - his power, good-natured, gregarious, friendly father - beyond the limits of modern medical science. "fuck," brantley hissed. "shit."

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Leap of Faith (Original)

In response to that fact, medical sciences made amazing breakthroughs, extending the human life at an exponential rate. eventually, they just didn't need kids.

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