Trade with Puff: Her Romance Part 1

Purple lightning streaked the darkened skies lighting up the clouds in their various shades of grey and black, and showing the horizon in all its natural beauty. the tree branches near her swayed in the wind as the storm traveled closer to her.

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A Necromancer's Heart:Prologue

The oldest prince was a skilled worrier, his eyes were the same as his father but he had darker shade of grey fur than his father. his name was sam.

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An Alternate Fursona (Character Sheet)

- body: same sort of pattern - dominant blue (back, legs, arms, tail), gray (stomach, chest, bottoms of paws), with a darker shading of grey any time they intersect. light grey on forearms to paws and knees to paws.

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Kiss of Destiny: Chapter 3

Everything, previously so full of vibrant colors, was now reduced to flat monotonous shades of gray. a puddle nearby caught her interest. she took a few uncertain steps and gazed into it.

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Welcome Aboard

He was sporting fatigues, set in a neutral grey tone, a tan canine of some sort..oddly long muzzle (which bore some shades of grey; even if the didn't seem to be all that old), rounded very un-canine ears. a tail that he bore stiffly.

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Dover: Layer 1: Earth

And as a little tip, ignore the black and white, look for the million shades of grey, though it makes it a bit harder to understand, at least it wont make you lose your conviction of a million sided planet.

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Chapter 19 - Unfortunate Revalations

The next morning would bring cloudy skies to the home of the genecorp conglomerate's headquarters, giving the daylight an exaggerated hue of depressing shade of grey to the world in the early morning hours. mr.

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Canvas and Melody - Chapter 1 - Fixed

He held up the piece of paper he'd been scribbling on, and i could barely make out what it was beyond a blur of shades of gray. he pointed to a spot, "what color is this?"

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Glossary/Author's Note

Skin colors are various shades of gray, brown and blueish green. their bottom canines have developed into large tusks several inches in length. **reebird** - a small feathered mammal that makes tunnels underground and lives in colonies.


Meeting the Pack Chapter 2

An off shade of grey with white covering my entire underside. i crossed my eyes to the tip of my nose noticing that my nose sat at the very end of a muzzle. my muzzle! oh goodness. okay now i know i am dreaming.

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Adam & Greg

"it so early greg" the figure steps way "well it looks like someone doesn't know what day it is" the 14 year old husky with black fur all over his body except his bully and his tail that are a light shade of gray.

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Fifty Shades of Tan: My Arrival

#1 of fifty shades of tan in the spirit of the phenomenal crap known as "fifty shades of gray", our lovely sea otter leilani takes the reins and shows us how erotic writing is really done. ^^ in this first installment of her story, leilani has arrived at

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