The Fox Stereotype

**The Fox Stereotype** _- For MusicalFox_ From: Prometheus \<[[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)\> To: Kolias, Aleixo \<[[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)\> \<Translated from _Greek_to_English_byUniCountry Translation...

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By Royal Appointment

**By Royal Appointment** _- For CursedArrow_ He hadn't been trained for this! During his training to being a Canterlot Royal Guard, Thick Steel had been taught that when standing in one place became too much and the blood stopped flowing to his...

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Last-Ditch Attempt

**Last-Ditch Attempt** _- For Kingy_ His fur was covered in saliva. It clung to him, a thick, wet mess from head to toe. All over, surrounding him, pressing down were those hot, smooth insides, pushing him deeper and deeper. He could hear nothing...

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Nature's Story: Freedom

**Nature's Story** **Part 4 - Freedom** _Six months ago_ The only sounds that he could hear were the endless ticking and his own heartbeat. He stared across the kitchen; it was so dark, he could barely make out the edges of the table and cabinets....

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Nature's Story: Oneself

**Nature's Story** **Part 3 - Oneself** Nature wiggled his paw in front of his face. His digits felt strangely heavy, and when they got going it was hard to stop them. It was like weights had been strapped to every joint, almost. He smiled at the...

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Nature's Story: Friends

**Nature's Story** **Part 2 - Friends** "So, there I was." Prometheus proclaimed loudly, speaking over the snickering Pokémon around him. "Sitting there, this small library room, this cute boy squeezed underneath the desk - and it was a hell of a...

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Nature's Story: Family

_Behind every blush and shy smile is a story that begs to be told..._ _Let's take a look at the Nature that few know. Look back, to the life he once called... well. We'll find that out, won't we?_ **Nature's Story** **Part 1 - Family** The...

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A Late Night Order

**A Late Night Order** Oh, it's such a wonderful night. There is no moon anymore - that slowly waxing crescent has slipped beneath the lip of the Café's dark roof, lost somewhere in the forests beyond, leaving the stars as masters. Above, in that...

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Black Latex, Black Flesh

**Black Latex, Black Flesh** _- For Sandnite_ Sandnite pushed himself up by his arms, staring down at the foot of the bed. The hybrid couldn't help but smile, and fold his wings up shyly. A blush must have crept across his face, too.... He breathed...

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Good Timing, Great Time

**Good Timing, Great Time** _- For Sandnite_ The air of the cool Winter afternoon wafted in through the front doors of the Café. It wasn't an icy chill, but enough to invigorate the soul with perhaps a little push to stay inside... "Well, I can get...

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Artificial Interrobang

**Artificial Interrobang** _- For Wrincewind_ Inspector Hareen walked into the empty room. It was mind-bogglingly large - the far wall was misted a faint blueish-white just by the sheer distance it was at. The floor, walls, ceiling - it was all...

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Nature's Story: Epilogue

**Nature's Story** **Epilogue** _A few weeks later_ "So, d'ya think it was the right thing to do?" Nature pressed his paws down a bit harder, rubbing them just above the Meowstic's shoulder blades. "What do you mean...?" He asked, after a short...

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