The New Aragonian Servant Inspired by “The Lusty Aragonian Maiden”

**The New Aragonian Servant** _Inspired by_ _"The Lusty Aragonian Maiden"_ A young adult male Cathay Khajiit wearing expensive colovian clothing was sitting at his study desk, bored and looking like he was in deep thought as his fingers...

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“More Then Meets The Eye” (A Story Where Fur-haters get what they deserve)

"More Then Meets The Eye" -:A Story Where Fur-Haters Get What They Deserve:- **Introduction:** How many of you have ever wanted to see a fur hater get the justice that they deserve? For those of you who have had the displeasure of...

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“Let the Fur Fly” -:A Rave song I thought up and decided to post for the hell of it:-

"Let the Fur Fly" _-:A Rave song I thought up and decided to post for the hell of it:-_ Come on now and reach the sky COME ON BABY LET THE FUR FLY! (Long Techno beat) Foxies now Step right in! Give your tails a twirly spin! Tap...


“J’Dash and The Child of Darkness” A Story Inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion

**"J'Dash and The Child of Darkness"** **A Story Inspired by Elder Scroll's IV: Oblivion** Out in the open dry grass planes of what looks like Elsweyr, a Khajiit dressed in a noblemen's green and blue silk outfit with gold trim was running as fast...

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The Ritual of Desire - Story Inspired From the Diablo game series (Updated)

The wilds of Tristram are well known to be full of countless dangers and it's not a place to seek out fool hearted inspired adventures. Some of the dangers are supernatural in nature like the vengeful ghosts from King Leorics mad crusade against...

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“The Tale of Willy-The-Wisp” As told to me by my Great Grandfather.

**"The Tale of Willy-The-Wisp"** **_As told to me by my Great Grandfather._** Long ago there was a poor blacksmith by the name of Willem O'Hare. Willem, better known to his friends as Willy The Hammer, for he was always hard at work in his forge...

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Um...A hyena Incest/Rape story? Honestly, I can't think of a title! :-P

I first suspected something was wrong when I first noticed dad going into Shannon's bedroom upon my return from using the bathroom. I didn't think anything about it at the time, I had just assumed dad was going to talk to her or make sure she was doing...

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Twelve Days of Skyrim - TES Arrow in the Knee Christmas Song

On the first day of Skyrim, my companion gave to me... An arrow to the knee! \* \* \* On the second day of Skyrim, my companion gave to me... Two stolen sweet rolls! And an arrow to the knee! \* \* \* On the third day of Skyrim, my companion...

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The Bandit, The Khajiit Wizard, The Mysterious Stranger and the Secret of Life. Aka The Journal of The Infamous Mad Cheese Cat of Skyrim

**Date Unknown** _ **Five days since bandits attacked** _ It has been almost a week since these bandits attacked the caravan I was accompanying on my journey to Collage in Winterhold. They slaughtered everyone and took everything, only I J'sker am...

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Nature is Very Strange - Chessy Love Story Experiment

A young adult timber wolf tribesmen sat quietly on brace of an old weeping willow tree that grew very close to a river his tribe used as a source of water and fishing. The young adult wasn't alone, for there curled up, sleeping peacefully and with a...

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The Lesson of Hard Knocks - When Moral Clash and Curiosity Builds

Sun Bane Territory, located far north in the old Snow Fox Territories and just west of The Ice Wolves lands. It is here in a Snow Fox village of Frost Fire, so named due to cold winds give a feeling of being burnt by fire when it cuts through your Fur,...

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Why You Should Never Fuck Your Sister - A None-Connected Sequel to “Oh God I’m So Fucking Dead!”

Some people say they had a hard life growing up but as far as I'm concerned, unless you're also the only male wolf sibling growing up in a house with NOTHING but four older sisters, you have nothing to complain about! Oh yes, my life is hard, both...

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