Season of the Vampire

It was Halloween night. The laughter of children, teenagers and adults filling the night sky as they go trick-or-treating, or partying the night away. A night filled with scares, haunts, fun, and laughter. But, tonight, things were about to change. A...

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Roscoe's Return

It was a beautiful morning in Athens, Greece, a place where people have worshipped the Greek gods for decades and centuries where the world was inhabited by powerful gods, strange and terrifying monsters, and amazing legends. But, now in the modern...

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Zack's Fun with Pegasus

In Greece, lived the mighty Hercules and his beautiful wife Meg. But, after Herc had saved Meg's life, and decided to live on Earth with her, now living as a mortal with her. But, Herc still had some time with his best friend Pegasus. But, Pegasus...

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Weasley's Boi

IIf you were to fall in love with someone, you'd know you have really fallen for them, but if you were one Ron Weasley, you'd have been in love with that person since the day you first met, and that someone, is Ron's best mate/friend, also the saviour...

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On My Heart

For most people who have died, Death can grant you a nice, slow, peaceful departure...or can leave you unhappy, sad and wanting that person who died brought back. That situation, was no different for one George Fabian Weasley. And, the one who George...

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