Demoness Mask

Julie let out a soft gasp as she stepped through the large double doors into the store. She hadn't expected too much from a magic shop, but the air in here felt quite mystical somehow. The warm glow, the soft couches, the large mirror on one wall, the...

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Lost in Space

If he could, Bowie would have wiped his brow, the sweat building up as he carefully reconnected the communications antennae. Alas, the thick suit he wore to protect him from the expanse of space prevented it; despite improvements made over the past...

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Lurker smiled as they looked at the card in their hands, turning it over again in his paws as he rode the bus home. His tail twitched a little in excitement, and a little in discomfort with the chair; they were stuck using one that didn't have room for...

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Sweet Treats

Ella looked in confusion towards the woman she saw past the trees in the park. The young human was simply relaxing, enjoying having a break from work, stretching out on a bench, but the movement she saw had caught her eye, leading her to gather her bag...

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Three Short Transformations

Soft purple and white lights illuminated the dark stones of the temple, as a trio of worshippers approached the large pool in the center. Before them was the deity they had come to offer themselves to, Lily, her massive body partially out of the water,...

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Lurker smiled as he stepped into his friend's office, taking in the decor. A few candles glowed an eerie, magical purple, but the main source of lighting was a plain, if nice looking, ceiling light. Old and worn desks and bookshelves were contrasted...

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Journal of The New Owner of a Plush

The slow transformation of Mars into a plush toy Face Card: The Chariot, Rising Card: The Magician, Falling Card: Strength As written by Mars and Lyman, Mars' friend and housemate Day 0 Starting Card: The Lovers PF1 Events: Magician...

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Astral Power Chapter 2

Just after sundown, a small party gathered on the roof of an apartment. It wasn't a large group; only three people, standing outside, bathing in the moonlight. They had a goal in mind, collectively, as one of their number stepped forward, standing in...

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Worshipper Lurker

Lurker smiled as he kicked his shoes off, resting his toes in the dark sand of the beach. It was close to when the beach was slated to close, but that didn't bother the rabbit, soft fur blending with the sand as he walked around. He needed a break, the...

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