Memoirs of Dragora Ch.3

Memoirs of Dragora By Arogard Chapter 3: The fires of passion and war They had reached the end of the forest and the beginning of the desert, Slypnir driving, Dragora resting, and Zerion looking after Dragora. The amount of spells Dragora...

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Memoirs of Dragora Ch.2

Memoirs of Dragora By Arogard Chapter 2: unwelcomed company They were 2 days into their journey south, with Dragora checking in at every town to learn of stories of listening to rumors for anything about a war going on. It was the fifth...

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Memoirs of Dragora Ch.4

Memoirs of Dragora By Arogard Chapter 4: The War Sets In They followed the army on the edge of the horizon for fear of them noticing they have persuers. Just as they feared, the army was headed toward the battle, but the larger force split...

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Memoirs of Dragora Ch. 20

Slypnir and Nijraketo were talking and discovering Nij's past while Dragora and Zerion woke up together, seeing the rest of the party coming down to the docks. Dragora saw Vibarsi split off from the group and the couple got up to go to the castle for...

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Memoirs of Dragora Ch. 18

Memoirs of Dragora Chapter 18: For More Than a Crown, But Rather a Continent Dragora woke up in a field, and already sensing it was another dream, got up to look at his surroundings. He spotted another draconian laying in the field not too far...

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