Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 05

**Raven Wolf - The Wilds - Chapter Five** "Good morning Mr. Conner!" Teddy comes to a stop having just been about to leave his apartment complex, he turning around and looking behind him to whom had spoken, spotting the shy girl who liked to...

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Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 04

**Raven Wolf - The Wilds - Chapter Four** Teddy is making his way to the locker room, having just finished a very long day of paperwork concerning the end of the job that he had been performing here for seven years. He enters the room pausing when...

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Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 03

**Raven Wolf - The Wilds - Chapter Three** Teddy sits in the cafeteria, the annoyed expression from the conversation he had been in earlier still on his face. "Who does that vixen think she is? Throwing accusations at me like that." Yula is...

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Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 02

**Raven Wolf - The Wilds - Chapter Two** Eva once again stands in the room on the other side of the one sided glass window, she watching a recording on a monitor within the room that had been taken earlier that day, the same black wolf being asked...

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Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 01

**Raven Wolf - The Wilds - Chapter One** _'The end of the world' that's what the people back then called it when it was all happening. The oceans rose, the land disappeared, the sun became a danger that burned everything that it saw, and every day...

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Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 15

**Raven Wolf - The Oracle - Chapter Fifteen** Teddy stares at his reflection in the water, he already regretting the decision he had made. The image that stared back at him wearing the clothes the other wild's in the Raven Wolf pack would wear....

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Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 14

**Raven Wolf - The Oracle - Chapter Fourteen** Shiya, Teddy and Kit are all gathered around one another, Teddy and Shiya growing tired with their constant fleeing and searching through Kit's house. Teddy looks back to Shiya it clear that they...

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Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 13

**Raven Wolf - The Oracle - Chapter Thirteen** Kit is running around a large outdoor parking garage filled with very expensive looking cars, he running up to one and kicking it in the tires, stopping and staring at it for a moment before running...

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Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 12

**Raven Wolf - The Oracle - Chapter Twelve** _Vaan Berights stands in front of general Mort's desk as he watches him open a file he had placed down upon it. "I managed to get the exact location of where the call was being transmitted to, even...

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Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 11

**Raven Wolf - The Oracle - Chapter Eleven** It is the late into the night, everyone that lived within Raven Wolf already fast asleep save for a few warriors that patrolled the forest the village was hidden in, to make sure that everything was...

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Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 10

**Raven Wolf - The Oracle - Chapter Ten** Iuana and Teddy are outside of the village of Raven Wolf among the green trees that surrounded the wild's home, Iuana walking ahead of Teddy she now dressed in the traditional clothing the members of her...

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Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 09

**Raven Wolf - The Oracle - Chapter Nine** Yula looks around him, he in a completely unfamiliar place, the walls and floor made out of metal giving the whole area a cold and frightening atmosphere. Yula begins making his way down the long dark...

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