The badger and the viscount

There was a cell, and in the cell there was an elf. He was a very unhappy elf. He lay on a rough straw mat, ankles bound with leather cord and arms strapped behind him with more of the same. If he struggled hard he could force himself unsteadily to...

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POV vore - you and anthro Nala

When you open the door to your dorm room, there is a shipping package just inside the door. You give it a curious look and toe it out of the way as you close the door. You didn't have anything on order and your roomie didn't say anything either. Maybe...

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POV vore - you and Master Tigress

There is an open shipping box just inside the door when you get back from class. Huh. That's funny. You've shared a dorm room with Paul since you came to college last year. When you have a package coming in you tell him and vice versa. You don't have...

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POV vore - you and a bear 5

A long hike in the woods. Always a good way to work off the stress or a long week's work. Drive to the trail head up the hill from Big Pine, grab your hiking stick out of the back. You've done it a hundred times. It's a five mile hike and sometimes you...

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On the balcony (Bartleby the badger/half-orc)

A little before sunrise, in the city of Verbobonc, a badger trotted down a wooden sidewalk. He was a very big badger, about seven feet from wet black nose to rump, with another couple of feet of furry tail past that. His flank fur was so long he...

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The gryphon and the couatl

Near the town of Adelburg in Five Villages County, up atop a grassy hill, stood what the townspeople called the Old Tower. It had stood there since long before the first of the villages was founded. The mossy stones of the tower blended into the...

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The kaiju predator (ghidorah/godzilla vore)

The battle had gone on for hours and both contenders were weary. Maybe that is why Godzilla was caught by surprise. He had separated from King Ghidorah for a moment, and it was as they charged back together that it happened. As Godzilla rushed forward,...

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When jail's not good enough (Master Tiger vore)

Two hooded figures paused by the mouth of an alley. The make of their cloaks showed they were well-off and probably shouldn't be in this disreputable part of town. Particularly not at midnight. The trash on the sides of the road, and the smell, should...

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Master Viper's secret prison

Every year in the spring, when the cherry blossoms bloomed, Master Viper went to a remote hideaway for two weeks of seclusion and private training. Every year, something like this happened. "Viper," hissed the other snake. "I too am a viper. Unlike...

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Natik's even better evening (Leopard seal/dolphin sex and vore)

**Natik's even better evening** By Strega Natik the leopard seal had done little for the last day but laze on a a rock protruding from the frigid water. Swollen from tail to forepaws with the bulk of two entire dolphins swallowed whole, there was...

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Natik's nearly perfect day (Leopard seal/dolphin vore)

**Natik's nearly perfect day** By Strega The two dolphins found the big seal stretched out on a lonely rock, far from any other land. They'd been swimming lazily around, well fed on squid and searching for entertainment. The spotted seal wasn't like...

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The face of the enemy (sci-fi)

**The face of the enemy** By Strega There were three of them, now. There had been five when they were put in the cage, but one had refused to eat and the other had died before that. Many died in the presence of the Enemy, even their supposedly...

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