Some Goalies Need Extra Padding: Chapter 3

"barrow down! barrow down!" mav announced mirthfully as he rushed toward us from the bench, ice packs in his arms.

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2.7 - Mental as Anything

"yes," barrow said, simply. "you know about that?" his tone was a bit arrogant. as if no one without telepathic abilities could possibly gather reliable information.

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2.3 - The Further Shore

barrow sighed. graham clenched his jaw. he knew about that, of course. that barrow had bred with advent. what a stupid thing for the bat to do!

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2.8 - Winging It

"but she did," barrow emphasized, "accept it. accept me." a short breath. "we love each other." advent wanted to gag. the only thing worse than sheila was imagining sheila and barrow fucking. barrow ignored her. "it just took time.

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Late-Night Calls

"you promise, though ... " "darling, i said i did," barrow whispered, sounding more vulnerable than she'd ever heard him sound. "besides, we've got a mental link now. i kind of need to stick with you."

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"barrow?" no response. "barrow?" she chittered. "what's wrong?" he swallowed, eyes moving back to hers. saying ... " ... they're watching us." "the wasps?" aria asked. a quiet nod. "yes.

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Skyrim, Arga's Story: Chapter 5: Companion in the Barrow

_now i know why so few of my kin call this place home..._ glancing upwards, he saw that the barrow spires were getting closer and closer.

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1.5 - Acceptable Risk

barrow flushed. "well. i guess it is, isn't it?" "i'm just being stupid." "what makes you say that?" "crying. over nothing." "your 'mate'," barrow said, stressing the word with sarcasm, hugging himself with his wing-arms, "hit you.

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2.1 - Queen For a Day

barrow said, smiling. herkimer blinked at his winged friend, whiskers twitching lightly. "oh, come on. a mouse giving me grief for a cheesy joke?" "i didn't even say anything!" "telepath," barrow reminded.

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The Assignment

"yes, i'll do it ... " barrow smiled, with a flash o' fangs. "good."

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And he and barrow didn't have mates, so ... they'd taken to pawing together, as friends. "here," barrow said. he squeezed some clear jelly out of a tube, onto his blue, furry fingers. the white-furred mouse watched.

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