#13. Discoveries

After a good ten minutes Launa came back I hoped in a better frame of mind. "Okay, Sayber what's up next this Nova can get started first thing Monday morning. Since we're going to play a little catch up this weekend after his month away." Launa said....

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#14. Final Preparations pt.1

Finding it rather odd that her files would still be locked even after all I've done. Until it dawned on me, Nadai's files might have become corrupted over the millennia. That seemed like the strongest possibility or they simply require an access code....

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Breaking in the New Sitter

Jay, and his kids for that matter were bombay cats, all three of them had lustrous jet black fur, and didn't seem to have any off color patches anywhere on their bodies, at least from what i could see.

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#12. Training

Launa and Azzy discussed a detailed regiment for me that would cover all bases. "Here's what I'm thinking he spars from the morning to afternoon with Sabrina/Sayber. Rests for an hour then spends a few hours training his mind until dinnertime. Than...

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#7. Re-Birth

"Look, I don't know if you noticed but, that son of bitch isn't an easy enemy. If you think for a second you're going to fight him on your own than think again. I'm not about to let you fight that asshole on your own sorry not going to happen." Sabrina...

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#6. Legacy Revealed

"Sabrina your guess is as good as mine cause right now even I don't have a clue. What I can tell you is that what ever called me here didn't feel hostile but, it feels important." I replied. Sadly what I wasn't expecting was for my dark persona to...

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Front-Row Seats (LukasKawika) [TRADE] [WARNING: Watersports]

# Front-Row Seats * * * For a cat like Jinx, news of a music festival featuring three of his favorite bands coming to the next city over from where he lived meant a few weeks beforehand of saving money and clearing his plans for the few nights it was...

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#8. The Arrangement

"You might as well tell us now and spare any annoyances later on the subject." Launa said. "We're of Native American heritage, he earned a place with our great grandmother's tribe. He worked hard to earn it, he even went so far as to take their rite of...

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The Humiliation of Renegade Dane

The audience of maus, bombays and bobtails silently stared in awe. as they let it sink in, a brown lynx dressed in snow white robes swayed from behind the caravan.

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'You're A Cute One' - Strawberry Fields (3/3)

I payed little attention to her nursery teacher, a bombay i think. the teacher spoke a little about what would happen after fresa had gone inside and when to collect her. that was the one thing i payed attention to. "thank you."

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#4. Innocence Caged

Sabrina shrugged as they regrouped with Azzy but, they noticed some thing. When the energy wave tossed them aside like rag dolls Azzy had been left alone. Before Launa or Sabrina could ask their friend about it, It turned to right and glared. From out...

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#9. Saying Goodbye

Once she knew they were there she vanished with a gust of wind that kicked up. Growling under her breath for getting schooled like that then wiped her muzzle. Vyekk reached over, placed a hand gently on Launa's large forearm and smiled. Meanwhile at...

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