Redwall: The Darkblade: epilogue

_Now the setting is back in Badgermother Crea's bedroom..._ Crea was just about to close the pages together when there was a knock at the door. "Come in." she said. It was Mylechua and Aurora who entered, with more. "Oh, you're back. How...

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Redwall: The Darkblade: chptr 9

_Picking up right at the end of chapter eight..._ With the ring leader and half of their number slain, the rest of the vermin either retreated, foxes and weasels, or surrendered, every beast else. They were set free with the promise to leave...

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Redwall: The Darkblade: chptr 8

_Mylechua Darkblade and the rest of the Redwallers have been waiting for hours for the eminent attack by Melenko the Ferret Magician._ Some of those on the ramparts have spotted movement, but nothing more. "What are you playing, ferret? This...

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Redwall: The Darkblade: chptr 7

_Mylechua's leg is not healed completely, but it is good enough for him to walk on. He walks with a limp now and cannot run yet. He has figured out that he has done something in the past to make him unfavorable by some, but shrugs it off with his new...

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Redwall: The Darkblade: chptr 6

_Mylechua Darkblade the otter had been put into a mini coma when he was struck by a flying rock. The Redwall Infirmary otteress ignored all warnings and brought the rogue into the infirmary, where she treated him and other things. Mylechua was out for...

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Redwall: The Darkblade: chptr 5

_In the previous chapter, Mylechua and Kenya were caught in an attempt to assassinate Abbess Feyla and Badgermother Crea when an otter guard burst in and announced the attack of Melenko._ "What are you doing?!" the otter guard shouted. Kenya...

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Redwall: The Darkblade: chptr 4

_Mylechua and Kenya has been living comfortably within Redwall Abby for a few days now. The Redwallers have grown to trust them, their biggest mistake._ One afternoon, Mylechua was in the yard talking and building more trust with the Skipper...

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Redwall: The Darkblade: chptr 3

_This chapter is set 48 days after the vixen's conception and then ten seasons after the birth of the otterfox._ Shirana the vixen woke Mylechua Darkblade one morning with the painful screams of her labor. "Perfect. Soon you can go vixen."...

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Redwall: The Darkblade: chptr 2

An otter named Mylechua roamed Mossflower woods his entire life, only once strolling by Salamadastron. He was dark grey with a lighter grey chest. He wore only a black cloak and a leather belt to hold his sword and knife. Underneath the cloak were a...

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Redwall: The Darkblade

_The story of Redwall belongs to Brian Jacques. The names and some of the characters are my own._ Morning broke through the halls of Redwall Abby. An old badger mum by the name of Crea sat in an older arm chair reading through long...

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Broken Dreams Chapter 7 (adult)

Chapter 7 Tim and I have been dating for nine months now. I met his parents; they are what you'd expect for wealthy furs. Tim's dad, Ron, was extraordinarily accepting. I think Ron thought I was older than I am, it felt like he was hitting on...

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Broken Dreams Chapter 7 (clean)

Chapter 7 Tim and I have been dating for nine months now. I met his parents; they are what you'd expect for wealthy furs. Tim's dad, Ron, was extraordinarily accepting. I think Ron thought I was older than I am, it felt like he was hitting on...

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