A thankfull slave

Around him people passed by, no one could see what, or who he truely was.he sat at a small coffee shop, it was a humble little place in england.lately though, it was a hot spot, the goverment wished to herd its people into larger cities, to 'protect' them

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Universe of Conflict- Chapter Four

Chapter Four "Well, It looks to me that your work is all out to get you, boy... I remember when I did this stuff when I started out" Natasha crossed her arms and started to chuckle softly. In her head were the days of her beating down large rods with...

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Ia'Swaa: The Elevator Pitch

Using the captive wizards, the goverment of the twin cities boil water and make huge steam engines, and use clockwork to transfer power all over their city.


Talespin: Prince Of Bear-ya Part 2

"i am your governess and royal tutor," rebecca said "you can call me mrs. rebecca." kit looked at his plate of pancakes and blueberries, "it's your favorite," rebecca said rubbing his hair.

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Babyfur Dragon love

They trained me to be the best assassin, named shade,but i left when the goverment made me kill inocent people to make sure they didn't talk.

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The Empire of Planets Chapter 2: Ryan VI

When he gets to the govers office. once they are inside the office he says, "your message said about ryan vi being under attack a few days ago. can you tell me who attacked this planet?" the govner's name is joe benson.

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Chapter 4: Vera

People went missing more and more often, worrying the goverments and citizens. after several hours of studying, revising and doing homeworks, momchil decided to take a break. he laid down on his bed, closing his eyes for a second, sighing quietly.


The Vixen in My Life: Ch2

(i-74 in a goverment car) "mr scribe, you could still stay in the army" the soldier looks out the window and sighes "no, i'm done, i'm going homeand that's final" he saysas the car stops infront of a house.

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Into The Breach: Prologue (WIP-Draft 1 Incomplete!!!)

At first it was little stuff, a few extra goverment rules and regulations on private businesses, higher than average number of people on welfare or food stamps, and higher taxes were just the start.

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Transmission Lost - Dramatis Personae

Once kri'a ascended to the throne, miri was dismissed from her posting on lirna but in turn was appointed royal governess of arbaros, where she has served well ever since.

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The Beauty and The Beast

He has commited many acts of corruption between the goverments of many countries around the globe, to cheap the prices of construction. but, king ghidorah had so much money and connections that no one could ever take him to jail.

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A Sympathetic Mind: Prelude: Entries

The curtained partition in the window fluttered open, and the governess dominaratal shadescale surveyed the gathering with a threatening, imperious gaze. shrinking away to escape notice, i could not at all help but study her face.
