The Pain he Masks...

mandibles twitching as he rose a hand toward her, reaching toward her shoulder but he paused, claws curling away as he turned his back to her again.

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Black Ant Down

The human looked at his ant savior with drunken awe, but slowly his lips parted as curved, hard, reddish brown mandibles began to emerge.

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Alien Intentions

As he came, she closed her lower jaw and tightened her grip on him with her mandibles, making sure nothing escaped.

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The Warrior

The clicking and clacking of their mandibles and the scurrying of their feet grew louder and louder the closer he got to the top of the mound, a maddening sound that would drive a lesser wolf to fleeing.

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A College Student's Debt

His mandibles clicked together in irritation at the circumstances while he endured the growling of his stomach. between his studies and his internship, he had very little time to spare for another job.

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Always Be There Chapter 3

Wide eyed, mandibles flares out slightly in shock, frozen almost in mid step. seeing this caused his mandibles to draw close to his face in embarrassment. what the hell was he supposed to say now?

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Sucking Them Dry

Her horizontal mandibles opened and then clacked sharply as she tried to scream and only now did she catch sight of the proboscis projecting from the front of her face.

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Last Days of the VSC Steadfast II [Mini-Fic]

Her mandibles click shut to seal her mouth over, and she chews - or... tries to.

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Diplomacy on the Side

Her mandibles went wide as she urged him inside her, letting out a long moan as decart slipped inside her.

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The General

He held onto akaf, holding him, now sobbing openly, and his mandibles twitched and he let out soft words. "i...i am...i am pathetic."

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The Vampire of Gamma Seven

The weird way her mouth split open into four mandibles wasn't even unattractive, for all that it was unexpected.

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Spreading Out

Kondo moaned, his voice muffled and metallic as the broken breathing tubes were reshaped into an insect-like mandible.

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