A Shifters Tale

"this seemed to shock the both of them as they looked at me then serra spoke in a questioning tone, "arrangement?, what kind of arrangement?"

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Return to Ulgrotha 4: Trauma

You are a remarckable and noble man, serving serra twice." "and twice only." he turned to face alanaira, her stoicism marred by tears. "i'm so tired, my angel. so very tired."


Khajiit Like To Too...

"his name is serras," the khajiit said, also somewhat surprised by the man's actions. "serras," jarvis repeated quietly. "four-pawed khajiit phases don't speak?" serras shook his head negative. "no, i see. but you understand very well.

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Morbiyus chapter 5

Il serra matthew dans ses bras, assis sur le bord du lit. il disait quelques phrases russes, pleurait, et embrassait son amant. il lui dit qu'il allait partir en russie un mois ou deux.

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter10

Say hello to nino and serra."_** the wildcat gestured happily to the sig p226 and 870mcs remington respectively. picking up the sidearm, he began to push it into hannah's palms, but she quickly pulled away.

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Crashing Down - CH1

"do not fret anymore, serra..." sildren was slightly shaken by how saccharine the nurse was, but he couldn't move. as long as she doesn't sit in the rocking chair, sildren thought, but that's exactly what the nanny did. serra, hmm.

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Morbiyus chapter 2

Le loup le serra dans ses bras, et la sensation qui s'en dã©gagea fut plus merveilleuse que jamais. le loup le fit s'asseoir ã une table, oã¹ deux cocktails les attendaient.

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Untitled Story, Part 1

serras." "no, it's alright. call me anji." he smiled and clapped smitty on the shoulder. smitty didn't feel like rejoining the poker game, so he sat down in the lounge, finished his cigar in silence, and returned to his dorm.

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La Flèche Noire

L'eau ruisselant sur la fourrure d'hylda fit monter dans l'air une odeur de chien, hylda serra les dents lorsque l'eau toucha sa mais gauche, la ou elle s'était brûlée.

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Les Kidnappeurs d'equestria

Celle-ci sourit et serra la poupée contre sa poitrine, le photographe la pris en photo. dinky était heureuse, elle regardait le cliché et dit : « maman, va être si contente ».

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Les Kidnappeurs d'equestria

Celle-ci sourit et serra la poupée contre sa poitrine, le photographe la pris en photo. dinky était heureuse, elle regardait le cliché et dit : « maman, va être si contente ».

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