Harmony's Warriors: Soar - Act II - 06 - A Grim Intimation of What is To Be
I first purposed for you to marry thunderlane but you were so young and he was already grown so wild it seemed an unsteady goal and so we adopted you.
Mega Sized Military Might
Watch your tail out there thunderlane buddy." the other soldier far away nods "ok. copy. i'll keep my eyes open."
A Special Hearts & Hooves day
Called out thunderlane, bringing stormbolt out of his reverie. it was his job to position what they termed the "a" cloud in the exact right spot to trigger all the others to start producing thunder and lightning in the right order. 'huh?
16: That First Time
Big mac's expression soured as he heard that thunderlane still hadn't been caught, but he was confident that rainbow dash was still flying around ponyville looking for the rapist.
10: That Sibling 'Love'
She muttered a few words about starshadow that would make even thunderlane blush under her breath and continued over to the barn.
23: Surprise, Part 1
She certainly didn't want to think about those days, reliving her troubled youth to her special somepony, fearing that thunderlane might come back again...
22: Festival
The only option left for him at this point was to actually use that foal thunderlane and the other scum back in the cave, but thanks to the events of tonight he would have to scale back his role and remain only an observer, the risk of being caught by taking
FiM: Better Than a Princess
He wasn't the best hung pegasus in the wonderbolts (that honor went to thunderlane) but he was still bigger than the average stallion. cheerilee sank down to her knees in front of him, reaching out to push his legs wide part.
It had been at least a week since she had landed soarin, donut joe, thunderlane, or even bulk biceps in bed and a mare like her has her "needs".
14: That Home Away From Home
thunderlane said under his breath. he hadn't seen her since he lived in los pegasus, but the scar he had seen on her flank left no room for doubt that the mare he just saw was the same one that his old boss had taken in.
Harmony's Warriors: Soar - Act III - 13 - Engulfed in a Fever of Spite
"have you forgotten how fenrir nearly killed uncle thunderlane or how jörmungandr is so set on proving the norn stones wrong that he nearly caused the palace to fall and kill all inside? their bindings are acts of mercy and you _know it_, mother."
Harmony's Warriors: Soar - Act I - 01 - I Have Inside Me Blood of Kings
Rainbow's older brother, thunderlane, had shown very much the same patterns, same arrogance and pride. he had also had an impassioned love of all things relating to warfare, and had soon become uncontrollable.