Floral Frolics 6

With nothing to support the tatters, they burst into tiny motes of flame, whisping into a final ghost of a spark. the soldier falls, but she does not hit her head by the grace of one of tik tik's spectral hands.

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I Want

He is like a whisp of green flame, beautiful. a smile tugs at his muzzle as he watches the creature sway to and fro. it stirs something that should not wake up. a pink cock begins to slide from its sheath, catching the attention of mauro.

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Shameful Desires

Framed by the whorls of the mirror and a green whisp of magic, belle lay on her bed on her side, hugging a pillow, her chin tucked. she sighed, the sound echoing from the mirror, and the beast's thumb slid over the cool surface.

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The Flower of Scotland

Mom sat the kippers down as well, then sat at the table beside me, her short dark hair whisping around her face my voice sounded small, even to me. "it's a utilikilt. it's made for everyday wear and use. i wear it a lot back home."

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Mother - by HypA

whisp" she said, quietly "it's not a problem, ehrin" he replied, lightly. "now, your house is just near the park up here?"

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Book 2, Chapter 40

Someone to lead us to victory, isn't that right whisp?" vervain looked about and didn't detect another rabbit in the burrow but the weird voice that came from the dark shadows nearly made him jump.

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An individual?

"better get out of here..." he said softley, his red fur whisping one southeast as the hard wind tried to push him back into the bar. allreaddy they were gathering to the tv, gasping, crying, cheering.

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During Roman Times Chicago , superheroes try to pick up dates at a luxury resort

Her body took on a supernatural glow and white whisps of smoke began to connect the coyote and the vixen at the muzzle. titus felt the energy drain from his body, his life force being sucked out of him until it felt like there was nothing left.

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Dearest Sorrow

His eyes widened as to him, she slowly manifested in his arms as a whisp of wind to color her profile. "xing..." she said in what sounded as a whisper to him, echoing in his head. "yue?!" he said as he tried to keep hold.

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His Father, My Son

With no more than the brief warning, the large male reached forward and held the back of his sons head, small whisps of hair snaking through his fingers, and began thrusting as forcefully as he possibly could.

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Souless Intent

Silence.....but than a loud bang as the candles went out in the order she lit them and whisped back on again."

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Twilight's Crusade

_ the words barely whisped away from twilight sparkle's mouth, too fragile to carry themselves across the open air. the landscape at her hooves was foreign, yet intimately familiar.

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