Stand at Ease

Stand at Ease Look, if I tell you about this, you can't tell nobody else. And I mean NOBODY. It's not like I'm embarrassed. Nah... nothing like that... Listen... I could get into a whole lot of trouble telling you this story if the wrong people...

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Zack's Fun with Pegasus

In Greece, lived the mighty Hercules and his beautiful wife Meg. But, after Herc had saved Meg's life, and decided to live on Earth with her, now living as a mortal with her. But, Herc still had some time with his best friend Pegasus. But, Pegasus...

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Hell Forged: Chapter 4

**Hell Forged** **Chapter 4 : Changing Units** Bereft was enraged and laughing like a madman. Their revenge was stolen from them, but they gleaned just enough...

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Quiet Friday night

That Friday night the club was almost empty, it was almost ten o'clock at night and there were only a handful of people inside. Two couples dancing, another sitting in a dark corner enjoying the intimacy, and a young guy sitting at the bar, fiddling...

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Theo, Big Butts, and Boog

The bear shook his head and chuckled to himself. This was a lot of mouthing off coming from such a little guy. But his words were tempting, and the money he offered certainly helped to sway his mind. "Alright, alright. But I hope you know what...

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Delivery Granyx sighed as he plopped down on a brown chocolate, soft cushioned recliner chair that his body was so used to and flipped on the flat screen. As it came on, he surfed through the thousands of channels that were available to him with each...

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Any Cave In a Storm

He was tired, exhausted, and more than a little bit irritable. Having a crime he didn't commit pinned on him made a guy like that. Running for hours gave him the first couple symptoms, too. Looking up a bit, the sky looked just as foreboding as the...

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Sneak Peek - Hell Forged: Chapter 4

... "Fuck! You're a hungry faggot, aren't you?" Bereft sucked on those nuts just enough to make it hover between pleasure and pain before they flopped out of their...

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Sneak Peek - Hell Forged: Chapter 4

**Hell Forged** **Chapter 4 : Changing Units** Sneak Peek ... "Fuck! You're a hungry faggot, aren't you?" Bereft sucked on those nuts just enough to make it hover...

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To love a big cat

Revali glanced at the formula in his hands for the fifth or sixth time in the past ten minutes the thought that maybe it wasn't actually what he had paid for crossing his mind for the eleventh time. His anxiety about the potion came back to why he had...

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In love with a Chocolatier

* * * My eyes could barely see what was in front of me. Only the sharp light of my scooter pierced through the darkness, which made it possible to drive on those roads. My feline ears caught the whistle of the night winds, the rustling of trees and...

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Who are you?

(there's a reason why the role reversal comes after the small dom/big sub tag) waking up in a place you don't know with a stranger is definitely the scariest thing that can happen. * * * "nng...mmm...huh?" "oh good your awake." "whuh-where am i?"

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