
"well, my friends here are miyu lynx, fay spaniel, slippy toad, falco lombardi, krystal, and this is arden and his men. he's the commander of the local cornerian defense force garrison. and we're cornerians, well most of us are."

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Chapter 2 – A Vixen’s Telepathic Powers

There's fara phoenix, fay spaniel, miyu lynx, bill gray, katt monroe, wolf o'donnell, panther caruso..." "wait a second," said fox, looking away from the computer monitor and towards the vixen. "do we really have to invite panther?"

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Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 21

spaniel -katt monroe -miyu lynx tail concerto characters -alicia -beluga damiens ([http://redthehunter.wikia.com/wiki/b%c3%a9luga\_dam](http://redthehunter.wikia.com/wiki/b%c3%a9luga_dam)...)

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Regret Chapter 9

In the background, slippy toad and fay spaniel-weldon were fixing some metallic object in the background. the page to the right was from the same afternoon, with miyu's palm outstretched, blocking part of the camera lens.

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Summer of Love (A Canon Star Fox Story)

Leading them was bill grey and holding paws with his girlfriend fay spaniel. miyu lynx was right behind them along with luna mccay, a she wolf with long silver blonde hair, light blue eyes, a black choker around her neck, and light grey colored fur.

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Star Fox: Changes of Love Chapter 4 The Press Conference

There was a crowd in front of Corneria City Hall; News reporters, journalists, other citizens, and so on, standing out in the daylight of what is going on. It was all unexpected, mostly because that team Star Wolf are three of the people sitting on top...

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Chapter 15: Shame

The white cocker spaniel looked like fay spaniel, but without a hair bow. her face was a reminder that fox mccloud kissed other women. she saluted her superior officer. krystal threw a towel over her shoulder, wearing nothing else.

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A Honeymoon and Time of Happiness (A canon Star Fox Love Story)

Next in were bill grey and fay spaniel, or fay grey as those two were also married. after them were wolf and panther as those members of star wolf had become friendly and even comrades of a kind due to getting married to a female each as well.

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Chapter 5: Journey to Sauria

On the ship's main screen, four separate images of the pilots blinked into existence, revealing themselves to be fara phoenix, miyu lynx, fay spaniel, and bill grey.

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Chapter 24: The Legacy of Cerinia

So to begin with, that adorable, fluffy white lady next to bill is fay spaniel. the pink-furred cat next to her is katt monroe." fox was then interrupted by the arrival of more of his long-time friends.

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Chapter 35: Counter Coup d'État

"falco lombardi, katt monroe, and fay spaniel...you have some explaining to do, all of you." milo's jaw dropped at the unexpected turn of events. "wait. you mean that blue fox really is fox mccloud?"

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Chapter 8: Bliss

fay spaniel and bill grey were often sitting together. the two made plans to stay in touch, even while she joined the star falco team and he would serve on the exploration missions, leading bulldog squadron.

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