
He found himself sharing stories of his old homeland and his family, his forced servitude in the land of the scaled-folk and the aching emptiness inside him where his hopes and dreams once resided.

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Pj and Pete chapter 18

.** a pair of tired yawns signaled the sixth straight hour of pete's men's night and the sixth straight hour of pj and moose's forced servitude at said event.

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Tangled Instincts

In ayyal's view of the world as a struggle for survival, there was very little mercy to be found, and it seemed fairly predictable to him that a conquering tribe would bind him into forced servitude if they didn't kill him.

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The Black Collar

She also half expected the dragon to believe it yet snarl at her for interfering, that he would have preferred death to an extended lifetime of forced servitude to this town. but the dragon did neither of those things.

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