Loathing, Wanting, Waiting . . . Continued

I neglected my daily exercises to work on my new mechanism that a certain video game has inspired me, showing how many ways a man can die using simple hand to hand techniques, or the mastery of a hidden blade.

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Chater 2 - The Not So Happy Reunion

He calmly said to himself as he flicked his wrist to reveal a hidden blade on the palm side of his forearm. "rose you're a fool to return there..."

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Chapter 19: Yukon the Terrible

She pushed forward, sending her claws forward against my hidden blade while i used al the strength i had and pushed back.

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My Little Pony: Battle for Equestria pt 8

Asked twilight as i looked to her, brining my left hand up and flicking it, the same hidden blade popping out as she blinked. "he better not hurt anypony!"

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The Lead Crown: Ch 1c, Steam-Punked (pt 2)

With little more than a flick of her wrist, the woman had her hidden blade out from its sheath in her sash. from there, the weapon crossed the distance from her outstretched hand to the man's exposed neck in an instant.

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Endangered Love - Chapter 9

Before he knew it, crow had shot at him, sunk his fangs in, and flew off from the bush, which was now sliced in half thanks to hidden blades along the ridge of his wings. the manic bat snorted as he slammed them both into a tree.

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Turning Point

He turned to go back outside, clicking the hidden blade inside his staff. "i think we have more work to do."

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Sentenced to death

The one with the hidden blade. one little flick of his wrist and she would be history... [(pic 1)](https://www.sofurry.com/view/695503) rather than reply with words, the female jackal used her paws and muzzle.

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ARSENAL ch 1 pt 1

Her weapons included the hidden blades, some swords and some rather special weaponry. the first were her dual blasters, these, attached to the back of her sword belt were what really sold the look of cyber assassin.

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The Lust Within

The lion's eyes widened, and for just a moment he tensed his limb, ready to unleash the hidden blade lodged within it to defend himself. as soon as he recognised the man still stumbling towards him though, he let down his guard. "skal?

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125 The Marketplace

Terrowne keeps his wrist angled to spring a hidden blade. cleos hand loiters against the curve of her ass adjacent to her sword holster.

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