Eric and Milo: What Goes Around

So he just took deep breaths, thought about the open, intimate sex he'd just shared with the male he trusted the most, and focused on enjoying his afterglow instead of worrying.

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Roger's Payback

None of the other pains was that... intimate. "fuck." roger said, and he kept his dick in place.

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Unwanted Pleasure

The two were sprouting heavy erections and eagerly rubbed their paw up and down the other's length and smeared their pre over the corresponding shaft, while they watched the two females intimately fucking with each other.

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*Cub* The Pleasure House of Nimh(age regress, gender TF) - 2007

Some were completely nude and enjoying some intimate sex openly in front of the others. he couldn't tell their ages, but from their size the oldest seemed around five. his thoughts were interrupted by a small muzzle lifting his balls.

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For the Good of the Herd

They clung to each other and ejaculated, flooding each other's bodies with cum, with pleasure, with intimate sex. at last they both collapsed back on his warm, soft fur bed, gasping for air after their frenzied love making.

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Secretarial Duties

After the night he and his wife shared in the most intimate sex of their lives, he had resolved to push his sexual frustrations out of his head. it wasn't really a plan, as such, but he cared about his family too much to let this creep up again.

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