My Life as a Dragon Slave Book 2 Chapter 3

wind dragons had abilities over the air. they had the ability to summon wind from around them and use it to attack our enemies and seize control over the skies.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 29

But those words came from a wind dragon she just met, a dragon who stated immediately that he values honesty. and he kept true to his words.

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Chapter 3: Powers Revealed

Raz waved him off as the wind dragon said, "yeah, well, i'd like to see you prove it." raz stood up and walked over to this wind dragon, both raising their fists.

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Heartless Dragon 2 Weapons of War(re-edited)

Flyers, wind dragons, rule the winds from gusts to tornadoes. the suits are designed to control the wind in different ways. many like taking the wind out of a living creature or cause a storm to approach.

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The Story so Far

Meanwhile, rift, a young adult orange and silver fire dragon, who had lost his family and village during the reign of malefor, was spending his days living at a beautiful lake with his girlfriend, a pure white wind dragoness by the name of kara.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 52

A new beginning" the wind dragon rolled his eyes, he was neither interested in the priest's counsel nor the so called ancestors and their blessings, all of it was foolish to him.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 35

He blurted out in horror, jerking his paw back like he expected it to be sliced off any moment now "athron mated with a wind dragon?! a wind dragon is the feather of my niece?! tell me he forced himself on her at least!"

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 7 - Encounter -

"if we stop we will be more than likely found by the native wind dragons...and that would not be necessarily a good thing... if they found us we would more than likely be treated just as badly as your old friends, like scum.

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 8 -Flowing Memories-

In the cave they were in, alex was sleeping next to the large black steel cage, the snow white wind dragon sleeping within it peacefully.

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A Minor Family Reunion

"you know scaly, i am aware of the fact that your people say the wind dragons all died before humans existed. why is it that mordred killed the last one then?"

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 44

You don't know for instance that the wind dragon is a half breed and that she is my niece.

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