My First Party - Chapter 2: Return

"are you sure we didn't take the train to appleloosa again?" she asked the pink pony walking next to her. pinkie let out a snorting giggle. "of course not, silly! no pushy yellow stallions pushing us around this time."

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MLP: Believing in the Impossible - Chapter Five

Had ever gone, she - much like the regal keepers of the sun and moon during their own rise to nobility - had rather effortlessly brought loving prosperity, happiness, along with peace to everypony in not only ponyville but the crystal empire, canterlot, appleloosa

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Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia - Chapter 3

I was going to go back to new appleloosa, maybe try and square things away with morab arts somehow, she could have the damn filly, didn't much care but i was not doing this. "tome."

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Lyra's Lesson

Hay, i even went to dodge junction and appleloosa. but they were no different. even cloudsdale...but i don't want to talk about that." she shuddered. she looked back up to lyra. her cheeks were red as an apple now.

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The Guardians of Equestria – Chapter 1 – Awkward Moments, Questions, and Conversations

I know almost everything from appleloosa to the crystal empire, and towards many ponies up to a certain point. the one thing i know more than anything is how dangerous the ever free can be at times...

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First up is...appleloosa. a desert town located in southwestern equestria." for some reason, i immediately suspected that the town was either like arabian towns or like towns from the american west during the 1800s.

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Lifting the Illusion

She has seen the rugged frontier of appleloosa, the high-rises of manehatten, and even the exotic locales of saddle arabia to the south. she must have seen quite a bit during her glory days.

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Between Rainbows and Butterflies

Some memorable mentions were when she triggered a buffalo attack on a frontier town named appleloosa by singing a truly abominable song, lured away a massive swarm of something called 'parasprites' by playing and carrying an absurd number of musical instruments

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Tainted Memories

Whenever i see those open, it reminds me of that one time we went to appleloosa. i saw so much on display.

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A Case of the Flutters

It seemed to delve into information involving the ponies and...buffalo of the appleloosa settlement to the southwest. yes, i was quite surprised to see that there are sentient intelligent buffalo living in this world.

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