I Meet Woofy

I suppose it all began with nothing more than me taking my usual afternoon stroll through downtown. I live in a medium-sized city, but one that has managed to maintain at least somewhat of a laid-back attitude. Downtown is nice - tree-lined walkways,...

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A.J.'s Journal

**Entries from the journal of A.J., describing experiences related to the Dubrovnikov Incident** * * * Well, I guess I'd better get started with this, not that anyone's gonna want to read it. I mean, the doc's book will probably win some kinda...

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Sarkanian's Foxes

I awoke to find my hands tied behind the back of a metal-and-canvas folding chair, sitting beneath a thatched awning. Across from me, Sarkanian glarcd hatred in my direction, one hand slapping a swagger stick into the other. Framing him on...

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Interlude - Staff Meeting

Transcript of Staff Meeting (Informal) Conference Room 3A - April 27, 2050 ? 10:00 AM Attendees: Tenneret, Regfield, Maartens, Cattanzo \*Transcribed from previously recorded audio\* CATTANZO: Okay, it looks like everyone's here, so let's get...

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(_Note:_ _Given their extremely unusual "family" dynamic, I'm not sure if the incest tag is precisely appropriate, but I'm including it to be on the safe side._) After that initial meeting, the routine for Freddie and his siblings began to undergo...

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Dr. Mauro held tightly to Freddie's hand as he led him down the hallway to one of the nondescript doors. This particular one had never held Freddie's interest, mainly because it had seemed to open onto an empty room, with nothing but a small folding...

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The first sensation Frederick Cattanzo ever experienced in his life was the sensation of pure white light, flooding in through newly-opened eyes. The second was a wetness against his fur, the level of liquid sliding slowly down his body as the device...

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Dr. Artemis' Journal, Entry 2

(Note: this is a companion piece to my story series "Woofy and Me," and occurs shortly after the events of that story. This piece contains what could be considered to be major spoilers of certain plot points in that series, and may not make much sense...

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From the Journal of Dr. Artemis

(Note: this is a companion piece to my story series "Woofy and Me," and occurs shortly after the events of that story. This piece contains what could be considered to be major spoilers of certain plot points in that series, and may not make much sense...

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The Boneheap, Part 2: Night and Day

As Gianna walked carefully along, keeping an eye out for danger and trying as hard as she could to make her footfalls sound as softly as possible, a note of anger began to creep in alongside the pervasive, ever-present fear that... thing had seen fit...

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The Folks in the Woods, Part 8: Three Bullets, One Hit, Six Impacts

For all her determination and resolve, Elizabeth's plans for finally dealing with Frand were quickly derailed. The morning after she'd made her pledge, childbirth came on her surprisingly and abruptly, and she followed the instinctive urge to go back...

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The Assignment, Part 2: Evening

_(Note: the story is essentially clean, but marked adult for scenes of arousal and discussion of sexuality)_ The strangest thing, sitting there, was probably the sense of scale. Up until literally the day before, I had been accustomed to the...

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