Spreading Transformation - Part II - Redux

James was walking down the hallway at school. His lanky frame moved ungraciously as his backpack hung loosely off his narrow shoulders. He spotted Sarah up ahead in the hallway talking to some friends. He began day dreaming of her and walked straight...

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Lisa's Bad Fur Day - Part 6

The bed posts were stacked neatly in the corner. Adorned with a smooth brass ball at the top, the brass tapering down into a column intricate carvings of flowers and leaves. The bottom of each pole was made of dark marbled oak. They were disused but...

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Lisa's Bad Fur Day - Part 3

Lisa stretched her arms and legs out, finally free from their constricting shackles. Her body was pure sex now, from her huge creamy breasts dripping small beads of white liquid to her toned flat stomach and impossibly wide hips. Her vagina was a...

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Spreading Transformation - Part 1 - Claire

Part 1 - Claire Claire laid in her bed, her day running furiously through her head. She had never gotten such low grades, never! It just didn't make sense, she couldn't understand what she did wrong or what her parents would say when they got back...

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Spreading TF - Part 7 - School in Session

Part 7 - School The next morning they both got up late, Claire especially so, forgoing her usual early morning chore duties. Their last session had taken more of a toll on her than she thought as she hit the snooze button on her alarm for the...

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Spreading Transformation REDUX - Part 6 - Helping Hand

Part 6 - Helping Hand The next few days were mostly uneventful, they went to school during the day with minimal incident. James had an erection at math he couldn't get down, but that was fairly normal for him, it was only dangerous with his new...

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Spreading TF - Part 8 - Sarah

Part 8 - Sarah Sarah had scooted out of her chair almost immediately after James as the whole class chuckled at Bradshaw's lame joke, the spindly teacher looking entirely too pleased with himself. Before he could open his mouth a second time she was...

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Spreading Transformation REDUX - Part 4 - Mates

Part 4 - Mates Claire was lost. Lost in her own overwhelming lust. After failing to find the release her body so desperately needed with James, her mind had all but shut down. It was overwhelmed by her bodies desire, wiping all all but her most carnal...

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Spreading Transformation REDUX - Part 5 - Kindling

Part 5 - Kindling James woke up first, the harsh rays of the sun pouring through the cum splattered window onto his face. Yawning, he blinked to try to focus his sleepy eyes. The bright light blinding him as he tried to see. He was lying on his...

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Jessie's Lesson

Jessie was impatient. Dora was taking too long to come back. Turning in her seat she reconfirmed what she already knew, she was the only one being asked to stay after class. "After class" meant that Dora or one of the other teachers wanted to spend...

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Spreading TF - Part 3 - Balls Out

Part 3 - Balls Out Claire's horniness was making it impossible to concentrate on anything but pleasure. Unable to achieve the release she needed from her still gushing cunt she instinctually grabbed the heft of left breast and thrust it into her...

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Spreading TF - Part 2 - James

Part 2 - James James got in late. His school field trip went way into overtime, their bus breaking down on the highway. He waved to his friend as he backed out of their drive, his headlights disappearing down the tree-lined lanes of their suburban...

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