Simba learns a new lesson from Timon

Simba was fast asleep, dreaming the day away as Timon and Pumbaa talked quietly nearby. They had given him a little space, setting a fair distance away hoping not to wake him. Pumbaa was preparing to head off, hoping to find more bugs while Timon was...

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Simba's Discoveries

Simba was walking the forest floor, looking for any signs of Timon or Pumbaa. It had been just over a month since he fled the Pride Lands, and life had developed some form of normality for the most part. He had grown just a little; fragments of darker...

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Vitani's Lesson.

Vitani scratched vigorously at her shoulder with her hind paw. Planted near the dead tree she loved to chew on, she was working as vigilantly as possible to relieve the itch caused by the termites crawling up her arm. The sun was hot, drying out her...

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Pleasures of War

Vitani crept her way through the tall grass of the Pridelands. Having been ordered to investigate the goings on, after Kiara's accidental stumble into the Outlands, she was told to discover what provoked her visit. Zira was convinced Kiara's arrival...

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Twotopia - Chapter 9: Lockdown.

Nick was getting frustrated, sitting in the bed for so long. He had Judy under his arm as they watched TV, but he yearned to get out of the hospital. Picking up his phone, he checked the time. "7:53." Nick sighed. "Bored, so very bored." "Yeah,...

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Twotopia - Chapter 8: Trauma

Judy began to feel numb, she kept a fast hold on Nick's hand as they loaded him into the ambulance and drove off. Finnick stayed nearby, ever watchful over his friend. The paramedics put I.V's in him, cutting away his uniform and wrapping up his chest....

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Twotopia - Epilogue: One last job.

Parker had unfurled the sheets and began spreading them across Nick's bed. He had just taken the rails down, so proud his son was graduating from the cradle to a proper bed. The room was beaming with sunlight from outside, the walls colorful and...

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Twotopia - Chapter 13: More Wilde Times Ahead.

After getting some rest and a chance to relax for a few days, Nick and Judy decided to attend the police and fire barbeque on the warm Saturday afternoon. Smiling as they strolled out into Savannah Square, a large park within the district, they were...

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Twotopia - Chapter 12: For The Love of a Father.

"That's it." Finnick announced, sitting in the front seat of Flash's car. "It's time. Flash, let's show em what we got." "Why do I have to be in the trunk again!?" Matt complained. "No... Time.... To.." "Explain, hit it!" Finnick finished. Flash...

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Twotopia - Chapter 11: Amends.

Nick barely slept through the night, spending most of it sureing up Finnicks van and Flash's car. Matt, Finnick and Flash all stayed over with Nick. All he could do was stare at his phone, keep it charged and wait for the call he wasn't even sure was...

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Twotopia - Chapter 10: Psych Out.

It had been just over an hour since Mariah Kasi had locked down Sahara Square and the news was spreading like wildfire. Finnick was on the couch, eating a popsicle and watching TV; while Nick was asleep in his room, konked out by the pain...

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Twotopia - Chapter 7: Blackout.

After dropping off their belongings at home and picking up their uniforms, Judy and Nick made way for the police station via taxi. The rain was really coming down, while the thunder boomed out every minute or two. Rushing into the station, they laughed...

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