POV vore - you and Mdogo the honey badger

His digestive juices left your skin red and sore. there's an oozing scrape behind your ear where one of his canine fangs scratched you as he pulled back. not the slimy digestive end you wanted, but he did his best.

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Jason's Plan

Soon it reached some cereal and the acid began to digest it. the acid got closer to cole, as it digested more food in jason's stomach. eventually, the acid reached cole and it began to digest him.

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LAPD Lupine Corps notes

Unusually good at controlling his digestion, he sometimes carries them back in his belly but if he is badly injured while doing so the usual digestive overdrive happens.

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Taking Time Off

The digestive process kicked up a little hotter, a little louder under such an assault.

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Captain Landon of Monstertown

Assuming they are not digested, suffocated or crushed, she is capable of passing a live human through her digestive tract in either direction. more typically, it is a one time visit to her guts.

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Notchfin and Spot (dolphin on dolphin vore)

Spotty was a mass of half digested meat and softening bone, swallowed whole and digested by a dolphin not even as big as he was. it would never have happened if he hadn't rammed his head right down notch's throat.

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Exotic Food

As an alien, kavus wasn't fully aware of the slow digestive process that snakes tended to have. he would have been glad to know, really.

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POV vore - you and an ottertaur

Wedged into a fold of the now visible stomach wall is a partially digested skeleton. some sort of smart watch on one bony wrist survives to cast the light. so.

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POV vore - you and an elephant

Little air is left in the sloshing mass of hay and digestive juices. your clothes are sodden and your skin stings all over. the process of digestion is slow, but its starting.

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Pred Mixer

There was no rest to be had while he was getting digested alive in a sloppy gut.

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POV vore - the fluffiest tail

His cum would be digested inside his balls or out, and he'd arrange for it to be out. just as you did.

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Memoires of an indestrucible dog (vore, scat - Dogmeat)

Bit by bit me made his way through the thing's guts, accompanied at first by liquefied meat and fragments of digested bone.

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