Ashes to Stardust: Chapter 1 - Part 1

Eldara was shaped as a wide cone, with all roads leading to the tip of the cone where castle eldar stood just before a dramatic cliff overlooking lake endu.

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Encyclopedia V1.1 (Updated 23/04/2013)

Memebrs of the second family may take the enzo name if they are accepted and acknowledged by the eldars of the clan for their achievents in battle, or if they marry into the head family.

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Daemon - Chapter 7 (Rengilar)

It would cause an uproar, and i doubt that fraush could retain control, even with the wolven hero, zaraki kamir and the well respected eldar randel redpelt at his side.

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Ashes to Stardust: Chapter 1 - Part 2

Peering into the room, ishari could tell that the monks did their best to make prince hala comfortable, though he imagined that these accommodations were not anywhere close to those at castle eldar.

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The Barista, The Vixen And The Goat - II

"why did you reject eldar? he was a number cruncher if i ever saw one!" aaban asked jillian. "the sirian fellow, right?" she asked. "he talked and talked and talked . think of harliah after three espresso's, only never coming down."

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