The Breaking Point: Chapter 6

I half buried the flashbang, and made sure the wire was taught. i then waited for the patrol to come by, and set off the trap. my hopes where that the noise would move the other guards from the door.

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Light Bane: Chapter 46

It wasn't a harmless flashbang, however. avila's protection saved her from critical injuries that could potentially incapacitate her. however, the superficial cuts caused by the slight delay reminded her not to be reckless.

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Chapter VI: Upgrades

He had augmented his sidearm with one having considerably greater firepower, without the expense of added weight, three flashbang grenades, three black smoke grenade, two high explosive grenades, and the most ugly looking assault rifle one could find.

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I Need A Hero

Then one of the walls blew in, an explosion of brick, then a clank-clank bang-flash of a flashbang, the reporte of a firearm, a figure, all tawny and blood, moving in like the grim reaper given form.

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A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 4-New Beginings

"flashbang!", hudson shouted, "shel..." there was a bright flash of light and then six or seven men in red camouflage uniforms came in along with a few taliban fighters. the russian's quickly subdued john and his team and threw them in chains.

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Isolation-Excerpt 14-Escape Attempt

"and i can't step out to shoot back without getting my head sheered off", i growled, "we need a flashbang, or smoke, something that can screw over his optics!" "or we make him shoot at us!", mike said taking off his helmet.

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Pain in the Butt

Since you not only decided to ignore my wise council but also cost me a pair of boots, a good flashbang, and a headache, drinks aren't going to cut it." reaching into his pocket he pulled out a small tube with faded writing.

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Against All Odds: Extraction Ch.4

About two, three hours later, tom heard a flashbang go off.

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The Fox Cult Pt.8

A flashbang rolled around the corner and detonated before alex could react beyond cowering, a moment later as his vision returned one of the jackals rounded the corner.

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The Elves of Perfection (?) Pt 3

It meant nothing to them, only a collection of hideous syllables, as ryan dropped his flashbang. there was a pause of a second, and then shouted. "now!"

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Hunter's Moon: Leave No Stone Unturned

At just that moment, one of the human stragglers lobbed a flashbang at the lycan pair. white had seen the motion and dived for cover. canid had the flashbang go off right between his legs, scorching the fur on his inner thigh.

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Two Thongs Make It Right

The arctic wolf tossed the flashbang she had prepared earlier into the small store, which had hardly even caused the two notice before it went off with a loud bang.

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